First-Time NYIOOC Winners Find New Opportunities

From increased media coverage to easier access to lucrative foreign markets, first-time winners at the World Olive Oil Competition reflect on the results of their hardwork and success.

The global exposure Darmmess, a social enterprise founded by Lebanese producer Rose Bechara Perini, received after winning a Gold Award for their medium Souri was described as "outstanding" and "shocking" by Perini.

Bechara told Olive Oil Times that Darmmess' honor had been mentioned in more than 50 pieces, and she had television interviews and other brand exposure since winning the industry's top quality award.

The 2022 harvest that produced Darmess's award-winning oil was Bechara's most difficult."We had extreme power cuts, a scary rise in raw material prices, a fuel shortage, and a shortage of qualified manpower," she claimed ."

Another first-time winner at this year’s World Competition was Ranis, from Greece, which earned a Gold Award for its Castello del Barone Collector’s Edition brand, an organic medium-intensity Patrini.

Owner Spiridon Anagnostopoulos told the Olive Oil Times that winning at the NYIOOC opens new markets for producers."Our orders in the United Arab Emirates partner markets doubled, and new markets, such as Canada and North America, turned their attention to our Barone brand."

Anagnostopoulos said that each year and each harvest is unique. “But we have managed to overcome difficulties of the past and have standardized many parameters in the olive trees’ management,” he added.

“Our most difficult opponent every season is the abiotic factors that affect cultivation, such as thermal and water stress,” he said. “But, as expert agronomists, we study continuously and aim for an optimum result each year.”