`The Murky Waters of Greek Agriculture and the Way Out - Olive Oil Times
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The Murky Waters of Greek Agriculture and the Way Out

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Jan. 12, 2013 10:36 UTC

As more urban Greeks return to their rural roots, many of these new farm­ers find them­selves lost in their effort to respond to the chal­lenge. (Photo: Simon aka Flyblog)

Back to the vil­lage

For ages, peo­ple in Greece relied heav­ily on the land to get essen­tial goods for their sur­vival, like wheat which gave flour, pota­toes, olives, veg­eta­bles and fruits. During the big urban waves of the 1950’s and 60’s, the big cities were flooded with new­com­ers and the coun­try­side was aban­doned. Apart from the awry devel­op­ment and expan­sion this brought to the cities, urban­ism is now con­sid­ered to have been an inhibit­ing fac­tor for devel­op­ment, since its net result was over­crowd­ing and unem­ploy­ment in the urban areas and unused farm lands in the rural areas.

This uneven progress now requires a price to be paid: the finan­cial cri­sis, which is here to stay, has forced many city dwellers to return to their vil­lages and home­steads and start over by cul­ti­vat­ing the fam­ily land. But with no con­ti­nu­ity in land care and no knowl­edge being trans­ferred because there is no one to con­vey them the know-how, new farm­ers often find them­selves lost in their effort to respond to the chal­lenge. Instructional pro­grams are offered by the state to teach them the job, but noth­ing can make up for such a gap of prac­ti­cal knowl­edge.

Specifically in the olive oil sec­tor where more than half of the new farm­ers are occu­pied, there are even more prob­lems: drought has caused reduced olive oil yield in many places, recent hail­storms in south­ern ter­ri­to­ries dete­ri­o­rated the sit­u­a­tion by hit­ting hard on trees and dru­pes, large quan­ti­ties of fresh olive oil are being stolen every­where, olive trees are being cut down to become fire­wood since petro­leum is very expen­sive, olive oil prices have been swing­ing high and low and the clas­si­cal inef­fi­ca­cies of the state to pro­mote the good (and that of the pro­duc­ers to form coali­tions) are noto­ri­ous.

The psy­cho­log­i­cal fac­tor

These phe­nom­ena were always present, but now they are more fre­quent, more dis­cussed and much more impor­tant; the steal of 400 kilos of oil from a farm­house in Thessaly last month can now be cat­a­strophic for the farmer, and poverty pushes poten­tial thieves to take every­thing, from oil to machin­ery and live­stock.

In dif­fi­cult predica­ments, psy­chol­ogy plays a crit­i­cal role and an in-depth appre­hen­sion of the sit­u­a­tion is impor­tant. Panic, which is con­stantly repro­duced and mag­ni­fied by the media, is an unwanted part­ner that blinds peo­ple from under­stand­ing that not all oth­ers are thieves and not every­one will be robbed.

Young farm­ers must be able to com­pre­hend that, despite vio­la­tions and unfa­vor­able weather, the com­mu­nity has strong bonds that can’t be eas­ily bro­ken. Land can be the solu­tion for many, and things will start to get bet­ter if they try hard enough. Opportunities come and go amid the cri­sis and they must grasp one or two of them. The weather will again be their ally, and patience and per­sis­tence are required.

The light at the end of the tun­nel

Of course not every­thing is obscure and ret­ro­gres­sive. The lack of knowl­edge about the land can be to some degree com­pen­sated by ambi­tious farm­ers who con­stantly search for new farm­ing tech­niques, who uti­lize mod­ern tech­nol­ogy to make the best prod­ucts, who con­tact mar­kets and poten­tial cus­tomers via the web and adver­tise their goods on the inter­net.

The more rest­less and imag­i­na­tive you are, the more pros­per­ous your busi­ness will be. There are many cases of back-to-the-vil­lage peo­ple who have man­aged to stand out from the crowd and impress the pub­lic: snail breed­ing, organic olive oil pro­duc­tion, hydro­ponic cul­ti­va­tions, truf­fle farm­ing, are all cases of rather unusual but lately prof­itable activ­i­ties. The best exam­ple is of a man who gets paid well to roam the moun­tains around his vil­lage and col­lect wild edi­ble veg­eta­bles, which are then sent to fancy restau­rants in Athens (green boiled veg­gies is a com­mon dish in Greece).

What is more, the state has iden­ti­fied the prob­lem and started to rent land to young farm­ers for a sym­bolic annual cost of 20 euros per acre. The Church of Greece is also con­tem­plat­ing giv­ing away its prop­er­ties to farm­ers, in a ges­ture of good­will but also of sub­stan­tial sup­port. Cash starts to slowly flow again and, accord­ing to state offi­cials, SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), the back­bone of the econ­omy, will have the chance to be funded from a repos­i­tory of approx­i­mately €500 mil­lion.

Eventually, every­thing boils down to the fact that if the new farm­ers are com­pe­tent enough and able to main­tain a pos­i­tive pos­ture towards the cri­sis-born obsta­cles, these newly-bred land lovers will suc­ceed.


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