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New Online Course on Olive Oil Quality

By Denise Johnson
Feb. 10, 2014 11:39 UTC

Anyone who buys olive oil will want to con­sider a new course offered by the International Olive Oil School, the online edu­ca­tional ven­ture estab­lished by Olive Oil Times to fos­ter knowl­edge about all aspects of olive oil.

The newest addi­tion to the school’s expand­ing cat­a­log of courses, Olive Oil Quality Assurance is a five-les­son series taught by well-known experts Dan Flynn, Sue Langstaff and Selina Wang from the University of California at Davis Olive Center, and Leandro Ravetti, from Australia’s award-win­ning pro­ducer Boundary Bend.
See Also:The International Olive Oil School web­site
The ground­break­ing course will edu­cate retail, food­ser­vice, restau­rant and dis­tri­b­u­tion pro­fes­sion­als on state-of-the-art prac­tices by exam­in­ing fac­tors that influ­ence olive oil qual­ity at every step along the sup­ply chain, from the grove to the con­sumer.

The series will con­sist of five daily 90-minute ses­sions dur­ing the week of June 16, 2014. Each les­son will stream live, begin­ning at 8:00 PM (UCT). Participants will ask ques­tions in real time via an onscreen chat box. Those who are not able to attend the live ses­sions will be able to view the recorded ver­sions up to thirty days after they air.

Participants will receive via courier in advance of the lessons a set of six, cobalt-blue tast­ing glasses specif­i­cally designed and cer­ti­fied for olive oil analy­sis, and sam­ples selected to illus­trate var­i­ous qual­ity char­ac­ter­is­tics dur­ing guided tast­ings through­out the course.

Those who suc­cess­fully com­plete the series will receive an Olive Oil Quality Assurance cer­tifi­cate from the International Olive Oil School.

Cord said the new course exem­pli­fies the vision behind the school. This inno­v­a­tive series is what the International Olive Oil School is all about — tap­ping renowned experts around the world in inter­ac­tive courses designed to advance aware­ness of this vital food.” The broad­en­ing cat­a­log will soon include an advanced cer­tifi­cate series on sen­sory analy­sis, and free pro­gram­ming fea­tur­ing guest lec­tur­ers on var­i­ous olive oil-related top­ics.

University of California at Davis Olive Center exec­u­tive direc­tor Dan Flynn said team­ing up with IOOS allows the Center to reach a broad audi­ence with timely infor­ma­tion on olive oil qual­ity, and fur­ther its edu­ca­tional objec­tives.

Those who are respon­si­ble for olive oil any­where along the sup­ply chain need to know what we are pre­sent­ing in this course,” said Flynn. We will pro­vide tools to obtain bet­ter qual­ity at any price point.”

Course details and reg­is­tra­tion infor­ma­tion can be found on the International Olive Oil School web­site.


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