`Two Courses in Verona for Aspiring Olive Oil Experts - Olive Oil Times
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Two Courses in Verona for Aspiring Olive Oil Experts

By Luciana Squadrilli
Nov. 28, 2014 11:56 UTC
Lake Garda, Northern Italy

You don’t really need an excuse to visit Italy and its beauty, such as the evoca­tive town of Verona — where Romeo and Juliet lived and died, accord­ing to Shakespeare’s drama — and the pic­turesque olive groves that sur­round the Garda lake.

In case you need another rea­son to visit Verona, con­sider the inter­na­tional wine com­pe­ti­tion and expo­si­tion Vinitaly, from 22 to 25 March 2015, and the simul­ta­ne­ous Sol&Agrifood event ded­i­cated to extra vir­gin olive oil and other excel­lent food prod­ucts. The event is impor­tant for those who work with wine and oil, or are still study­ing the sub­ject.

O’Live & Italy, a project for the pro­mo­tion of olive oil cul­ture in the Garda Lake ter­ri­tory, will offer two courses held the week before Vinitaly which will bring par­tic­i­pants to local farms to sam­ple extra vir­gin olive oil directly from the pro­duc­ers who will be Sol&Agrifood’s exhibitors.

The courses will be directed by a high-level team of experts, fea­tur­ing Dr. Barbara Alfei (panel leader and expert taster of mono­va­ri­etal extra vir­gin olive oils), Dr. Antonio Giuseppe Lauro (panel leader of the New York International Olive Oil Competition) and Dr. Marco Antonucci (writer and jour­nal­ist in the EVOO sec­tor).

The 6‑day, pro­fes­sional course, approved by the Region of Lombardy, is directed by Lauro. The course will be held March 16 – 21, and will allow those who pass the four tast­ing tests to obtain the Sensory Aptitude Certificate which is nec­es­sary for enroll­ment into the National List of Technicians and Olive Oil Expert Tasters in Italy.

The International Master will last five days, from March 16th to 20th, and it will be held under the patron­age of ASSAM, the Agricultural Services Agency of Marche region which is par­tic­u­larly devoted to pre­serv­ing and pro­mot­ing monocul­ti­var extra vir­gin olive oils.

The International Master is intended for those who want to attend an exhaus­tive course that will allow them to return home with a great wealth of cul­ture, expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge about olive oil.

In both cases, the offi­cial lan­guages of the courses will be English and Italian and the teach­ing plan involves more than 40 guided tast­ings of extra vir­gin olive oil from around the world, 4 cul­tural din­ners to explore the pos­si­ble matches between food and olive oil and com­plete edu­ca­tional mate­ri­als that will be given to par­tic­i­pants at the end of the expe­ri­ence.

The courses will be held in Toscolano Maderno, a beau­ti­ful vil­lage on the west­ern shore of Garda, in the head­quar­ters of the Association, the Casa del Tempo Ritrovato. This is an old restored coun­try house with a small B&B and a pri­vate mill. The courses’ attendee will be accom­mo­dated there and in other local inns.

The pro­grams offer a rare oppor­tu­nity to broaden one’s knowl­edge about olive oil, while vis­it­ing a charm­ing area of Northern Italy, and attend­ing Vinitaly and Sol&Agrifood.

See Also:Course Information and Signup Form (PDF)

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