`Olive Extract Jeans Said to Moisturize Legs - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Extract Jeans Said to Moisturize Legs

By Julie Butler
Jan. 27, 2013 19:42 UTC

Google olive oil” and jeans” and many results address stain removal.
But Wrangler has gen­er­ated buzz in Europe this month with women’s jeans delib­er­ately infused with the pop­u­lar veg­etable oil.

Its Denim Spa range includes jeans with an olive extract fin­ish for mois­tur­iza­tion”. There’s also an aloe vera model to soothe sen­si­tive skin” and an anti-cel­lulite” one called Smooth Legs.

Squalene pen­e­trates skin”

Asked for details of the olive extract jeans, Wrangler told Olive Oil Times they leave skin espe­cially toned thanks to won­der hydra­tor squa­lene”. The olive oil extract can pen­e­trate the upper lay­ers of the skin espe­cially well as it is nearly iden­ti­cal in struc­ture to a lipid found nat­u­rally in skin,” the American com­pany said.

The cos­metic ingre­di­ents that are added to the jeans are pro­tected in micro­cap­sules that are a thou­sand times smaller than the tip of a nee­dle.”

After spray­ing on the micro­cap­sules, the jeans are dried in an oven so the micro­cap­sules bind to the fibres, giv­ing them a good resis­tance to wash­ing.” The olive extract treat­ment is said to last 6 – 8 washes.

The tight design of the skinny-fit jeans means the fric­tion of the denim against the skin pro­gres­sively breaks open the micro­cap­sules, releas­ing their con­tent onto the skin,” Wrangler claims.

Cosmetic tex­tiles not new

The range was launched in Europe with a cam­paign fea­tur­ing Lizzy Jagger, daugh­ter of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, and the jeans are priced at about £85 or $150 on UK-based online fash­ion retailer Asos.

But Fashion Mag says Wrangler was not the first to offer cos­metic tex­tile” pants. Brands such as Salsa brought out an anti-cel­lulite ver­sion in 2004, Portuguese brand Tiffosi fol­lowed suit, and Gsus Sindustries sells jeans dipped in” aloe vera, it said.

Olive Oil Times reported last November on a lead­ing inter­na­tional tex­tile com­pany seek­ing tech­nol­ogy to coat or pad its fab­rics with sub­stances such as olive oil, aloe vera, argan oil and neg­a­tive ions in order to dif­fer­en­ti­ate via afford­able prod­ucts with well-being and anti-stress ben­e­fits.”


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