`Dalmia Tries Simplified Olive Oil Labels in India - Olive Oil Times
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Dalmia Tries Simplified Olive Oil Labels in India

By Vikas Vij
Sep. 23, 2011 08:43 UTC

Dalmia Continental in India has come up with a mar­ket­ing idea to re-launch its Leonardo olive oil prod­uct range. Its tins and bot­tles now carry pack­ag­ing labels that have been designed keep­ing in mind dif­fer­ent grades of olive oil and their uses in India. The new labels inform the con­sumer which grade to use for Indian dishes, which for west­ern cook­ing, and which for sal­ads.

VN Dalmia, chair­man of Dalmia Continental, who is also the pres­i­dent of the Indian Olive Association, said, Our key mes­sage has always been use the right grade of olive oil.’ For the past few years, all our mar­ket­ing and brand­ing strate­gies have been aimed at get­ting this mes­sage across. This new label is an exten­sion of our com­mit­ment to encour­ag­ing the use of olive oil by build­ing greater aware­ness among our cus­tomers about which grade to use.”

Leonardo Olive Pomace Oil is ide­ally suited for every­day Indian cook­ing and fry­ing, accord­ing to its new label which now includes a promi­nent image of a tra­di­tional Indian food plat­ter and says : For Indian Cuisine and Frying.’ Similarly, the label for Leonardo Pure Olive Oil says: For Western Cuisine and Body Massage.’ The label for Leonardo Extra Virgin Oil says: For Salad Dressings and Dips.’

Lack of aware­ness about the dif­fer­ent grades and dif­fer­ent uses of olive oil is one of the biggest prob­lems plagu­ing the Indian olive oil indus­try. Educational prod­uct label­ing is a mar­ket­ing move which, it is hoped, would help to stim­u­late the demand for olive oil in India.


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