`Europe Increases Tunisia’s Export Quotas - Olive Oil Times
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Europe Increases Tunisia’s Export Quotas

By Isabel Putinja
Feb. 2, 2015 14:58 UTC

A revised reg­u­la­tion adopted January 30, 2015 has adjusted the monthly export quota fixed by the European Commission in order to take into account the cur­rent pro­duc­tion year and facil­i­tate the olive oil trad­ing between Tunisia and the EU.

From now until the end of October 2015, the amount of olive oil Tunisia can export to Europe will be fixed at 9,000 tons for February and March, and 8,000 tons from April to October.

The over­all annual quota, how­ever, remains unchanged. Under the Association Agreement between the EU and Tunisia, olive oil exports from Tunisia to the EU are sub­ject to a quota of 56,700 tons per year.

The European Commission’s deci­sion fol­lows a request from the Tunisian author­i­ties to increase the monthly export quo­tas so Tunisian pro­duc­ers can ben­e­fit as much as pos­si­ble from their export poten­tial imme­di­ately fol­low­ing an excel­lent olive har­vest.

During this crop year, Tunisian olive oil pro­duc­tion increased by 400 per­cent, mak­ing it the world’s sec­ond largest pro­ducer after Spain.

Olive oil is Tunisia’s main agri­cul­tural export to the EU, and the olive oil indus­try is an impor­tant part of the country’s econ­omy, pro­vid­ing direct and indi­rect employ­ment to more than one mil­lion peo­ple and rep­re­sent­ing one-fifth of the country’s total agri­cul­tural employ­ment.

In a state­ment dated January 30, 2015, the European Commission said the revised quo­tas reflected the EU’s com­mit­ment to its part­ner­ship with Tunisia at a time when the coun­try is head­ing towards a demo­c­ra­tic path fol­low­ing leg­isla­tive and pres­i­den­tial elec­tions.

Europe reit­er­ated its polit­i­cal and finan­cial sup­port to Tunisia’s new gov­ern­ment for the reforms needed to strengthen demo­c­ra­tic gains and address socio-eco­nomic chal­lenges.


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