`Spain Sees Record for Exports as Production Recovers - Olive Oil Times
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Spain Sees Record for Exports as Production Recovers

By Julie Butler
Jan. 31, 2014 09:32 UTC

Olive oil pro­duc­tion and exports are both back up in Spain, accord­ing to new fig­ures for last October to December, the first quar­ter of the 2013/14 olive sea­son.

Nearly 760,000 tons of olive oil had been pro­duced by the end of December, already well above the full year total of 618,000 tons for 2012/13, when unfa­vor­able weather took a heavy toll, but under the 844,000 tons pro­duced in the first three months of 2011/12, which was an all-time high pro­duc­tion year.

By the end of last December nearly 4 mil­lion tons of olives had been har­vested and con­verted into olive oil with an aver­age yield of 19.07 per­cent, two points down on last sea­son, and car­ry­over stocks stood at 720,900 tons, com­pared to 807,400 tons at the end of December 2012.

Jaén made a third of Spanish total to December

The region of Andalusia accounted for about 595,000 tons — or about 78 per­cent — of Spain’s total pro­duc­tion to last December and within it, the province of Jaén alone deliv­ered a third of the Spanish total, with just under 249,000 tons, fol­lowed by Córdoba with nearly 154,000 tons.

Record exports in first quar­ter

The first olive oil mar­ket report by Spain’s new Food Chain Information Agency (AICA for its ini­tials in Spanish), also high­lights that the 237,000 ton total in exports for October-December was a record, though the fig­ure for December is still pro­vi­sional.

AICA, into which the Spanish Olive Oil Agency (AAO) was sub­sumed, said the fig­ure was a third higher than the same time last year and about a quar­ter up on the aver­age for the pre­vi­ous four sea­sons.

Domestic sales are up two per­cent on the same period last sea­son, though this was largely thanks to an above-aver­age October. And imports totaled 21,000 tons, com­pared to 22,900 tons at the same time last sea­son and 12,300 tons in 2011/12.

Table olives

Table olive pro­duc­tion is up 14 per­cent on the same period last sea­son based on a pro­vi­sional total of 556,0480 tons at end December, but total sales were down a tenth on last sea­son.


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