`Deoleo Recalls Bertolli and Carapelli Products - Olive Oil Times
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Deoleo Recalls Bertolli and Carapelli Products

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Mar. 17, 2016 11:53 UTC

Deoleo, the world’s largest olive oil com­pany, has ini­ti­ated a vol­un­tary recall of Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil (8.5 oz.) and Carapelli Extra Virgin Olive Oil, (25.5 oz.), sold in glass bot­tles in 20 U.S. states, accord­ing to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Recall Information data­base.

The prod­ucts are being recalled due to the detec­tion of trace amounts of Trifloxystrobin and Tebuconazole — two pes­ti­cides that the U.S. does not allow in any amount in olive oil. Both of the chem­i­cals are clas­si­fied as not likely human car­cino­gens.”

Last November, Deoleo USA issued a vol­un­tary recall with­draw­ing some of its Bertolli and Carapelli Extra Light Tasting and Bertolli Classico Pure Olive Oil because the prod­ucts may have pre­ma­turely spoiled, accord­ing to notices sent to sev­eral major retail­ers.

Our inves­ti­ga­tion to date reveals that the oil has pre­ma­turely oxi­dized, caus­ing poten­tial off odor and taste, which presents a qual­ity but not a health issue,” the com­pany said at the time. We have iden­ti­fied the source of the prob­lem with one of our refin­ing sup­pli­ers and have taken imme­di­ate cor­rec­tive action.”

In another devel­op­ment, the U.S. dis­trib­u­tor for Bertolli and Filippo Berio olive oils, attacked the cred­i­bil­ity of the lead plain­tiff in a class-action law­suit against the importer.

According to Law360, Salov North America Corp. said in an oppo­si­tion to Rohini Kumar’s class cer­ti­fi­ca­tion motion that there was no evi­dence to sup­port Kumar’s claim that she inter­preted Imported from Italy” to mean the oil was only made with Italian olives.

Salov also pointed out that Kumar had been con­victed as a felon which, the com­pany argued, cast fur­ther doubt on her cred­i­bil­ity as a lead wit­ness.


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