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Add Olive Oil to Your Skin

By Liz LaBrocca
Jan. 12, 2015 10:47 UTC

There are many well-known rea­sons to include olive oil in your diet. From heart health to can­cer pre­ven­tion, the list con­tin­ues to grow as more health ben­e­fits of olive oil are dis­cov­ered.

Just like olive oil is a healthy part of your diet, it can also be a wor­thy addi­tion to your skin care rou­tine.

Your skin plays an essen­tial part in detox­i­fy­ing your body, so it’s impor­tant to keep it as clean and healthy as pos­si­ble.
See Also:Olive Oil Health Benefits
It may seem counter-intu­itive to apply olive oil on your skin, but it can be used as a nat­ural bar­rier to pro­tect from dirt and debris. By wash­ing your face and keep­ing it too dry, you could actu­ally be encour­ag­ing break­outs and unhealthy skin. A light coat­ing of extra vir­gin olive oil on your face after you wash makes an excel­lent pro­tec­tive layer. Be sure to mas­sage the oil into your face until it’s almost fully absorbed. Remember that a lit­tle goes a long way, so you do not need to use a lot of your favorite EVOO to reap the ben­e­fits.

Olive oil also con­tains antiox­i­dants and squa­lene, which is one of the most com­mon lipids pro­duced by human skin cells (Wrangler even puts it in their jeans). Vitamins A and E in olive oil make it a prime anti-aging com­pound. A daily reg­i­men can help reduce the appear­ance of fine lines and wrin­kles while simul­ta­ne­ously nour­ish­ing and hydrat­ing your skin (it cer­tainly works for Sophia Loren).

Apply olive oil to your clean skin after using a toner. Toners allow your skin to return to the proper pH level. Your face should be slightly damp when apply­ing the EVOO for the mois­tur­iz­ing qual­i­ties to be best absorbed by your skin. Remember to com­bine your use of olive oil as a mois­tur­izer with sun­screen to pro­tect your skin from UV rays.


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