`Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Gets a Makeover - Olive Oil Times
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Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Gets a Makeover

By Elena Paravantes
Oct. 18, 2011 11:29 UTC

The Mediterranean Diet Foundation in col­lab­o­ra­tion with sev­eral inter­na­tional health and nutri­tion orga­ni­za­tions updated the tra­di­tional Mediterranean Diet pyra­mid to reflect and adapt to today’s lifestyle.

While some ele­ments remained the same, there were new com­po­nents added to this eat­ing plan in order to rep­re­sent the Mediterranean lifestyle as a whole.

The pyra­mid con­tin­ues to pro­mote breads, grains, olive oil, fruits and veg­eta­bles as the basis of the diet, while red meat and sweets are at the tip of the pyra­mid to be con­sumed spar­ingly. However, in this ver­sion rec­om­mended serv­ings are included as well, pro­vid­ing the reader with a bet­ter idea of how much to eat and not only what to eat.

The most inter­est­ing aspect of this new model is the fact that it includes sug­ges­tions regard­ing cook­ing, social­iz­ing, use of sea­sonal and local foods, activ­ity, mod­er­a­tion and of course ade­quate rest.

The pyra­mid has been trans­lated in 10 lan­guages that are spo­ken in the Mediterranean region and can be down­loaded from the Mediterranean Diet Foundation web­site.


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