`Mediterranean Diet, Workplace Health at Harvard Conference - Olive Oil Times
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Mediterranean Diet, Workplace Health at Harvard Conference

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Sep. 22, 2014 12:03 UTC
The Harvard School of Public Health, Boston

The Harvard School of Public Health is host­ing two events at the end of September cel­e­brat­ing Greek food and the health ben­e­fits of the Mediterranean diet.

A con­fer­ence titled Mediterranean Diet and Workplace Health” will be held from September 27 to 28 at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. Participants will then be invited to the Greek Food and Wine Expo on Sunday.

The con­fer­ence is hosted in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the PBS’s The Cooking Odyssey. Highlights will include lec­tures, panel dis­cus­sions and, of course, chef-crafted meals. Guest will include Diane Kochilas, the host of Greece’s most pop­u­lar cook­ing show, Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama (What’s for Dinner Today, Mom); celebrity chef George Kyrtatas; Dr. Athena Linos, pres­i­dent of the National Committee for the Greek Diet; and numer­ous Harvard fac­ulty.

The first day’s agenda fea­tures dis­cus­sions on the chal­lenges of man­ag­ing dia­betes with the con­tem­po­rary American diet, the his­tory and sci­ence of the Mediterranean diet and the dis­ease-fight­ing power of Greek eat­ing. Day 2 will focus on meth­ods of pro­mot­ing dietary change within the work­place, includ­ing tech­niques of oper­at­ing a healthy insti­tu­tional food ser­vice, cor­po­rate best prac­tices in nutri­tion and a panel dis­cus­sion on moti­vat­ing change in eat­ing behav­iors.

The cost to attend the con­fer­ence is one thou­sand dol­lars.

Stefanos N. Kales, con­fer­ence direc­tor and asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at Harvard Medical School, explained the chal­lenges faced with large-scale imple­men­ta­tion of healthy eat­ing changes in an arti­cle posted on the Huffington Post:

Unfortunately, food ser­vices in our work­places, schools and gov­ern­ment offices have been slow to imple­ment authen­tic Mediterranean food options, but they may be com­ing around,” he said. Collaborations between chefs and health experts can trans­form insti­tu­tional cafe­te­rias into health­ier more vibrant oper­a­tions.”

There will be fre­quent refresh­ment and meal breaks planned on both days of the con­fer­ence, and the agenda notes that all meals and refresh­ments served at the event will be con­sis­tent with the Mediterranean Diet, inspired and super­vised by our world-renowned chefs.” Breakfast will fea­ture Greek yogurt with honey, raw wal­nuts and pis­ta­chios and fresh fruits and lunch a Greek vil­lage salad topped with extra vir­gin olive oil and Kalamata chicken.

Participants of the con­fer­ence and the gen­eral pub­lic will be invited to the Greek Food and Wine Expo, which runs from 1:30 PM to 6 PM on September 28 at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral Center in Brookline, Mass.

The expo will fea­ture a num­ber of Greek prod­ucts, mezedes (tapas) as well as wine tast­ings. Mediterranean art and music will accom­pany the array of edi­ble treats.

For more infor­ma­tion visit the event web­site.


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