`Nuova Zona: Italian Zone Diet Says "Sì" to Olive Oil and Pasta - Olive Oil Times
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Nuova Zona: Italian Zone Diet Says "Sì" to Olive Oil and Pasta

By Nicole Arriaga
Sep. 6, 2011 15:57 UTC

Diets around the world claim to have the key to suc­cess in weight loss. The Zone Diet, South Beach, Atkins and count­less oth­ers aim to help you shed those unwanted pounds while main­tain­ing a healthy, nutri­onal diet.

Italian news­pa­per, Corriere della Sera is report­ing that there’s a new diet on the mar­ket that’s sim­i­lar to the Zone Diet invented in the U.S. but with a dif­fer­ence: pasta and olive oil are rec­om­mended.

The diet Nuova Zona also referred to as the Zona Italiana, uses the same con­cept as the Zone Diet (40 – 30-30, the per­cent­age of car­bo­hy­drates, pro­tein and fats which one can con­sume dur­ing every meal and snack), only it includes many of the com­po­nents already built into the tra­di­tional Mediterranean Diet.

The Italian ver­sion sep­a­rates car­bo­hy­drates, pro­teins and fats into build­ing blocks” that are easy for dieters to mem­o­rize rather than actu­ally weigh­ing your foods. Each build­ing block dif­fer­en­ti­ates the good carbs (almost all veg­eta­bles and fruits with a few excep­tions) ver­sus the bad. For pasta lovers, there’s good news.

Contrary to the U.S. ver­sion of the Zone diet, Italian nutiri­on­ist Gigliola Braga says that includ­ing mod­est amounts of pasta in the diet is impor­tant in order to keep your insulin lev­els in check. Under fat con­tent, rea­son­able amounts of extra vir­gin olive oil is also an impor­tant com­po­nent of the diet’s build­ing blocks.


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