`Oleo de la Marchia Takes Marco Mugelli Prize at L.A. - Olive Oil Times
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Oleo de la Marchia Takes Marco Mugelli Prize at L.A.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Apr. 10, 2012 13:58 UTC

Extra vir­gin olive oils from Italy and California fared well in the 13th annual Los Angeles International Northern Hemisphere Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition.

Oleo de la Marchia, Italy, — Central Mono Cultivar, Ascolana, Marche received the Marco Mugelli Prize, an award given by judges to the top of all the best of show extra vir­gin olive oils.

Named after the late inter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized agri­cul­tural sci­en­tist, engi­neer, olive oil expert and founder of the National Association of Olive Oil Tasters (ANAPOO) in Italy, Dr. Marco Mugelli, the prize exem­pli­fies the best of the best,” accord­ing to Darrell Corti, chair­man of the LAIEVOOC. The win­ner also received a $1,000 cash award.

The 480 oils tasted in March were grown in the Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere oils will be judged in July. The split in the com­pe­ti­tion, a first this year, was incor­po­rated so that extra vir­gin olive oils grown in both regions of the world could be tasted at their prime.

The 2012 best of show win­ners are:

  • International – Delicate: Murgo, Italy – Islands Mono Cultivar, Nocellara Etnea, Sicily
  • International – Medium: Oleo de la Marchia, Italy – Central Mono Cultivar, Ascolana, Marche
  • International – Robust: Le Tre Colonne, Italy – South Blends, Salvatore Stallone, DOP Terra Di Bari
  • Domestic – Delicate: Berkeley Olive Grove 1913, California Mission Reserve, Organic, Late Harvest, Butte County
  • Domestic – Medium: The Olive Press, Arbequina, Yolo County, 2011
  • Domestic – Robust: Chacewater Olive Mill, North Coast Blends, Tuscan Blend, 2012


The Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition has grown from a 25-entry begin­ning to a truly spec­tac­u­lar array of the finest inter­na­tional oils. The list of Northern Hemisphere coun­tries rep­re­sented is impres­sive: Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the United States.

Our com­pe­ti­tion has become well known for its great com­pe­tence,” said Corti. Our judges have a great deal of expe­ri­ence and are tal­ented tasters.”

The com­pe­ti­tion itself is not open to the pub­lic, but they will have an oppor­tu­nity to taste the win­ning olive oils at FUN Decanted, a wine, spir­its, beer and evoo fes­ti­val June 23 at Fairplex and at the 2012 L.A. County Fair, where win­ning olive oils will be fea­tured at the Fair’s Wine, Beer & Spirits Marketplace.

The Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition is judged in two cat­e­gories, domes­tic and inter­na­tional, and sep­a­rated accord­ing to regional des­ig­na­tions and fruiti­ness inten­sity lev­els. The com­pe­ti­tion also includes fla­vored olive oils.

See the com­plete list of win­ners here.


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