`Pairing App Finds the Best Olive Oil Match for Foods - Olive Oil Times
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Pairing App Finds the Best Olive Oil Match for Foods

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jan. 14, 2016 12:26 UTC

Food pro­fes­sion­als and home chefs have a new tool for find­ing the best olive oils for their dishes.

High qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils can ele­vate dishes to soar­ing new heights, but some­times find­ing the right EVOO to pair with foods can be tricky.

A new tool that takes the guess­work out of find­ing the best match- Curtis Cord, NYIOOC President

For exam­ple, you might not want a highly bit­ter oil over a light fish or pota­toes, while the taste of a del­i­cate oil will get lost on that smoked brisket.

With more than one thou­sand olive cul­ti­vars and count­less taste pro­files among them, find­ing the best match for a cer­tain food can be a daunt­ing chal­lenge.

Not any­more.

The New York International Olive Oil Competition, the world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious event of its kind, has devel­oped a food pair­ing app to iden­tify the best match for your culi­nary cre­ation among this year’s award-win­ning oils.

The tool is free to use on bestoliveoils.org, the web­site that serves as the offi­cial yearly index of the NYIOOC results.
See Also:Olive Oil and Food Pairing App
Behind the easy inter­face lies an algo­rithm devel­oped by NYIOOC and the staff of Olive Oil Times which ana­lyzes the taste pro­files of hun­dreds of this year’s best olive oils to return the ideal match for a vari­ety of pop­u­lar dishes.

We know that a great olive oil can make foods soar,” said Curtis Cord, the NYIOOC pres­i­dent, and Olive Oil Times pub­lisher, but choos­ing the wrong one can dimin­ish the result. This new tool takes the guess­work out of find­ing the best match.”


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