`Rain, Olive Oil Prices Drop in Spain - Olive Oil Times
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Rain, Olive Oil Prices Drop in Spain

By Julie Butler
Sep. 28, 2012 13:07 UTC

Weather Channel

It’s yet to be seen if heavy rain in south­ern Spain in the last few days will boost the expected lean olive oil pro­duc­tion in the next sea­son, which starts offi­cially on Monday (October 1).

In one of its dri­est years this cen­tury and with out­put so far tipped to slump to half of the record 1.6 mil­lion tons from last har­vest, pro­duc­ers say at least their wrin­kled olives should plump up a bit and the rain will aid the fol­low­ing har­vest.

Along with the rain — 60 l/m2 in Córdoba and up to 30l/m2 in Jaén accord­ing to Olimerca — whole­sale prices tum­bled this week after three months of steady ascent.

According to Spain’s olive oil price infor­ma­tion sys­tem POOLred, the ref­er­ence price for bulk olive oil was down 10c to the equiv­a­lent of €2.53/kg today after climb­ing to €2.64/kg on Monday. Olimerca says it’s mainly because rain has arrived in most of Andalusia.”

From north­ern Málaga, El Labrador olive oil pro­ducer Rosario López Montero told Olive Oil Times that after almost no rain this year, they’d had a tor­ren­tial down­pour” of about 100 l/m2 overnight. While vital for her family’s olive trees and impor­tant for the fol­low­ing har­vest, it had caused some dam­age and ero­sion.

López Montero — whose fam­ily won a Mario Solinas qual­ity award in 2011 with their La Laguna de Fuente de Piedra extra vir­gin- said har­vest would start in a few days and they were expect­ing out­put to be about half of last year’s.

New Mario Solinas cat­e­gory for south­ern hemi­sphere

The International Olive Oil Council has opened up a spe­cial cat­e­gory in the Mario Solinas Quality Awards for coun­tries in the Southern Hemisphere.

In the just pub­lished 2012 /13 crop year rules, it says oils entered for the com­pe­ti­tion by coun­tries in the south­ern hemi­sphere will have to be from the 2011/12 crop year.”

They will there­fore be included in a new ad hoc cat­e­gory to avoid plac­ing them at a dis­ad­van­tage with oils from the north­ern hemi­sphere, which will have been recently pro­duced.”


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