`Spain's Harvest Estimates Continue to Grow - Olive Oil Times
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Spain's Harvest Estimates Continue to Grow

By Daniel Dawson
Oct. 30, 2019 08:05 UTC

The final esti­mate for the 2019 olive oil yield in Spain has come to 1.2 mil­lion tons, about eight per­cent below the five-year rolling aver­age, accord­ing to data obtained and ana­lyzed by Oleorevista.

The data comes from var­i­ous olive oil pro­ducer orga­ni­za­tions as well as sev­eral regional gov­ern­ments.

Andalusia, which is the largest olive oil-pro­duc­ing region in the coun­try by far, is expect­ing a har­vest of about 984,000 tons. This fig­ure rep­re­sents a 32 per­cent decrease com­pared to last year’s record-break­ing har­vest and a seven per­cent decrease com­pared with the five-year rolling aver­age.

The final esti­mate for the 2019 har­vest has been con­sis­tently revised upward, in part due to good weather con­di­tions in the autumn. Back in the sum­mer, pro­ducer orga­ni­za­tions esti­mated pro­duc­tion would be about one mil­lion tons.

Many olive oil-pro­duc­ing nations in the Mediterranean basin are fore­casted to have good har­vests in 2019, which is likely to increase Spain’s sub­stan­tial olive oil stock to two mil­lion tons.

© Olive Oil Times | Data source: International Olive Council

“[We must] sell much more oil to ensure that pro­duc­tion and con­sump­tion remain bal­anced, and from that bal­ance, we have a [sus­tain­able] price,” Spain’s Association of Young Farmers and Ranchers (Asaja) said in response to the lat­est har­vest pre­dic­tion.


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