`New Award Scheme to Promote Organic Production in Europe - Olive Oil Times
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New Award Scheme to Promote Organic Production in Europe

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Mar. 7, 2022 09:32 UTC

The European Commission has announced the launch of the first edi­tion of the E.U. Organic Awards, which will rec­og­nize the most suc­cess­ful and inno­v­a­tive pro­fes­sion­als and enti­ties in Europe’s organic food sec­tor.

Acknowledging the hard work of our organic farm­ers, sup­port­ing their inno­v­a­tive spirit and their ded­i­ca­tion is imper­a­tive for boost­ing organic pro­duc­tion in Europe.- Christiane Lambert, pres­i­dent, COPA COGECA

The pro­gram is the result of an E.U.-wide joint ini­tia­tive of the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, the E.U.’s farm­ers’ asso­ci­a­tion Copa-Cogeca, and IFOAM Organics Europe, the umbrella orga­ni­za­tion for organic food and farm­ing in the con­ti­nent.

The awards aim to raise aware­ness and increase demand for organic prod­ucts among European con­sumers.

The awards will com­prise seven cat­e­gories and eight awards, includ­ing best organic female farmer, best organic male farmer, best organic region, best organic city, best organic bio-dis­trict, best organic small-medium enter­prise, best organic food retailer and best organic restau­rant.

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I am proud to see the E.U. organic awards become a real­ity,” Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski said. Organic pro­duc­tion is and will play a key role in the tran­si­tion to sus­tain­able food sys­tems, and we can­not achieve this with­out the var­i­ous actors of the organic sup­ply chain.”

These awards are a great oppor­tu­nity to cel­e­brate them while pro­mot­ing exam­ples of best prac­tices across the E.U.,” Wojciechowski added. I look for­ward to hear­ing about these best prac­tices and encour­age all organic actors to apply.”

Christiane Lambert, pres­i­dent of Copa-Cogeca, noted that the organic awards would help rec­og­nize excel­lence in the sec­tor. She added that acknowl­edg­ing the hard work of our organic farm­ers, sup­port­ing their inno­v­a­tive spirit and their ded­i­ca­tion is imper­a­tive for boost­ing organic pro­duc­tion in Europe.”

The appli­ca­tion period for the first E.U. organic awards will run from March 25 until June 8 this year. Winners will be announced on September 23, estab­lished as the annual E.U. organic day’ since last year.


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