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Consuming EVOO on an Empty Stomach May Provide Unique Health Benefits

New evidence suggests that taking olive oil on an empty stomach has certain health benefits, including lowering gastric acidity and helping nutrient absorption.

By Clarissa Joshua
Mar. 25, 2021 10:09 UTC
7K reads

According to a report in El Confidential, new evi­dence sug­gests that tak­ing olive oil on an empty stom­ach pro­vides addi­tional ben­e­fits to tak­ing it with food.

Consuming olive oil on an empty stom­ach reduces gas­tric acid­ity by form­ing a pro­tec­tive film, accord­ing to José Ramón Llorente, the pres­i­dent of the Spanish Society of Orthomolecular Nutrition and the National Association of Professionals and Freelancers of Natural Therapies. This helps with the absorp­tion of vit­a­mins and other nutri­ents and assists the work of sev­eral impor­tant organs.

In pop­u­lar cul­ture, we have all heard about the ben­e­fits of olive oil, con­sumed espe­cially on an empty stom­ach. Today we can accom­pany this option with the results of stud­ies that cor­rob­o­rate it,” Ramón Llorente told El Confidential.

See Also:Health News

For the diges­tive sys­tem and the liver, its con­sump­tion on an empty stom­ach reduces gas­tric acid­ity because it forms a film on the gas­tric wall,” he added. “[It also] improves the absorp­tion of nutri­ents – espe­cially cal­cium, mag­ne­sium, zinc and vit­a­mins – and opti­mizes the work of the liver, gall­blad­der and pan­creas.”

When con­sum­ing extra vir­gin olive oil on an empty stom­ach, it must be high qual­ity, mean­ing it will be richer in polyphe­nols and other nutri­ents.

Pharmacist and nutri­tion­ist Julieta de la Morena agreed that it is ben­e­fi­cial tak­ing olive oil on an empty stom­ach but added that con­sum­ing olive oil with other foods and cooked still pro­vides plenty of health ben­e­fits.

De la Morena said that the most impor­tant thing is to incor­po­rate olive oil con­sump­tion into a daily rou­tine.

The Mediterranean diet rec­om­mends adults con­sume at least four table­spoons per day. However, de la Morena said this should be lim­ited to two table­spoons a day for peo­ple try­ing to lose weight.

While Americans use far less olive oil per capita than peo­ple liv­ing in Mediterranean coun­tries, con­sum­ing only a small amount of olive oil is still ben­e­fi­cial.

In a study con­ducted over 24 years, researchers found that peo­ple who con­sumed at least a half-table­spoon of olive oil every day in place of less healthy fats reduced their risk of heart dis­ease by 14 per­cent.


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