`Cretan Producers Unite to Sell Olive Oils Under New Trade Association - Olive Oil Times
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Cretan Producers Unite to Sell Olive Oils Under New Trade Association

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Aug. 25, 2020 08:53 UTC

A new project is under­way on Crete to unite the island’s grow­ers and pro­duc­ers in order to pro­tect the qual­ity of Cretan olive oil and pro­mote its expor­ta­tion to for­eign mar­kets.

The ini­tia­tive, which is being called the Unified Body of Cretan Olive Oil, came as a result of chal­lenges brought onto the sec­tor by low olive oil prices and fur­ther fueled by cases of adul­ter­ated oils being mar­keted as Cretan extra vir­gin olive oil in the Greek mar­ket.

The new body must be financed so that the pro­duc­ers bring­ing their olive oil to us receive a sur­plus value for their prod­uct, a fixed price based on the mar­ket.- Yiannis Glentzakis, Rethymnon agri­cul­tural asso­ci­a­tions

The decline of the [olive oil] prices in recent years has put grow­ers of Crete in a very dif­fi­cult posi­tion,” Charilaos Vlazakis, the head of the Union of Agricultural Associations of Chania, said.

“[The group] will try bypass­ing all obsta­cles or petty inter­ests that obvi­ously exist to reach con­sumers so they use the Cretan olive oil as it is pro­duced from the land of Crete,” he added. Today, it is of the utmost impor­tance due to ille­gal prof­i­teer­ing and the coun­ter­feit­ing of olive oil and I think peo­ple are aware of the cases of extended olive oil adul­ter­ation in north­ern Greece.”

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The nascent group will rep­re­sent a total of 17 olive oil unions and asso­ci­a­tions, in an attempt to mar­ket the Cretan oil under one com­mon label and strengthen its iden­tity.

Colossal firms abroad unite year after year. We are alone here, iso­lated, unable to form the big schemes required,” Stavros Gavalas, from the Union of Agricultural Associations of Heraklion, said.

It is fine to use the name Chania,’ the name Heraklion, the name Lasithi’ or the name Rethymnon,’ but the name Crete’ is some­thing big­ger and more impor­tant, that will open the way to big mar­kets and food chains that we can’t cur­rently enter due to the small quan­ti­ties each one of us pro­motes indi­vid­u­ally,” he added.

No new pack­ag­ing facil­i­ties are required for the ven­ture, as the exist­ing estab­lish­ments in Crete can cover the demand for bot­tling the olive oil of the uni­fied Cretan pro­duc­ers. However, financ­ing is cru­cial for the whole project to come into exis­tence.

There are no invest­ment costs involved since we already have the facil­i­ties of the asso­ci­a­tions of Heraklion, Rethymnon and Kolymbari,” Yiannis Glentzakis, the head of the agri­cul­tural asso­ci­a­tions of Rethymnon, said.

The big ques­tion is financ­ing,” he added. The new body must be financed so that the pro­duc­ers bring­ing their olive oil to us receive a sur­plus value for their prod­uct, a fixed price based on the mar­ket, and after we bot­tle the oil and make profit out of it we should return the sur­plus to the pro­ducer. This is the way to go, the pro­ducer must reap the sur­plus.”

The trade group is expected to be active by late October or early November and pro­vide the pro­duc­ers of Crete with data and mar­ket prices of olive oil as well as prof­its.


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