`EU-Vietnam Trade Agreement Opens Door for European Producers - Olive Oil Times
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EU-Vietnam Trade Agreement Opens Door for European Producers

By Daniel Dawson
Apr. 17, 2020 10:44 UTC

The European Council has approved a free trade agree­ment (FTA) between the European Union and Vietnam.

The FTA is expected to come into force dur­ing the sum­mer of 2020, after it is passed by the Vietnamese National Assembly.

Once approved, exist­ing tar­iffs on olive oil in all of its frac­tions will be elim­i­nated. E.U. olive oil exports to Vietnam cur­rently face an aver­age tar­iff of 8.7 per­cent, accord­ing to data from the International Trade Center.

In a 2019 report on the Vietnamese olive oil mar­ket, the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) listed these tar­iffs as one of the major bar­ri­ers pre­vent­ing more Spanish olive oil pro­duc­ers from access­ing the lucra­tive mar­ket.

The removal of the tar­iffs now paves the way for olive oil exporters to access Vietnam’s rapidly ris­ing mid­dle class. The Southeast Asian coun­try is home to more than 95 mil­lion peo­ple and is viewed as fer­tile ground for European olive oil exporters due to steadily ris­ing wages and con­sumer spend­ing.

Olive oil is well known and appre­ci­ated in Vietnam where it is mainly used for its healthy qual­i­ties,” ICEX wrote the report. Almost all media devoted to health, beauty or lifestyle rec­om­mend the use of olive oil.”

Spain, Italy and Greece already com­bine to dom­i­nate the Vietnamese olive oil mar­ket, mak­ing up nearly 97 per­cent of its olive oil imports in 2018, the last year for which data is avail­able.

Also included in the deal is the recog­ni­tion of seven dif­fer­ent geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tors from both Spain and Greece, includ­ing Antequera, Baena, Priego de Córdoba, Sierra de Segura, Sierra Mágina, Kalamata and Sitia Lasithiou Kritis.


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