`Olive Council Awards Four Research Scholarships - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Council Awards Four Research Scholarships

By Paolo DeAndreis
Apr. 16, 2021 09:11 UTC

A new round of Ph.D. schol­ar­ships has been awarded by the International Olive Council (IOC) to four stu­dents selected within its mem­ber states. The IOC will fund their research work for the next four years.

These schol­ar­ships aim to encour­age tech­nol­ogy trans­fer, and the shar­ing of infor­ma­tion and research results in the field of olive cul­ti­va­tion, olive tech­nol­ogy and stan­dard­iza­tion activ­i­ties among mem­ber coun­tries,” the IOC said.

See Also:Research Updates

The award­ing process fol­lowed a sim­i­lar announce­ment in 2020 and it is part of the tech­ni­cal coop­er­a­tion and train­ing pro­gram that the IOC ded­i­cates to sci­en­tific research.

The research fund­ing project pro­vides schol­ar­ships to Ph.D. stu­dents focussed on the objec­tives of the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olive 2015.

The awarded stu­dents will be able to use the funds to research organolep­tic and physic­o­chem­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tic detec­tion meth­ods, olive grow­ing and manip­u­la­tion tech­niques, tech­ni­cal coop­er­a­tion among pro­duc­ing coun­tries, preser­va­tion of genetic resources, envi­ron­men­tal impact stud­ies and cli­mate change.

To be eli­gi­ble for the schol­ar­ships, appli­cants must also have a related degree, includ­ing food sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy, agron­omy or olive stud­ies, biol­ogy, eco­nom­ics or chem­istry. They also need a mas­ter’s degree related to olive cul­ti­va­tion.

The selected the­ses were:

  • Epigenomic con­se­quences of hydrox­y­ty­rosol con­sump­tion in car­diometa­bolic dis­eases, Andrea Del Saz Lara (Spain);
  • Bioinformatics and genomics for the olive tree adap­ta­tion to cli­mate change: iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of mark­ers asso­ci­ated with drought and chill­ing require­ment for flow­er­ing in order to select the most suit­able geno­types, Laila Aqbouch (Morocco);
  • Food Safety within Extra vir­gin Olive Oil Production, Akram Charfi (Tunisia);
  • Chilling require­ments, genetic reg­u­la­tion and mod­el­ing of the flow­er­ing, Rüstü Efe Değer (Turkey).

The IOC asks recip­i­ents of its schol­ar­ships to work with insti­tu­tions both within and out­side their coun­try of ori­gin. The the­sis super­vi­sors must be rec­og­nized spe­cial­ists in the olive sec­tor.


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