`Olive Council, University of Jaén Launch Olive Sustainability Site - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Council, University of Jaén Launch Olive Sustainability Site

By Simon Roots
Feb. 8, 2023 19:21 UTC

The International Olive Council (IOC) and the University of Jaén’s Institute for Olive and Olive Oil Research (INOU) have launched a new web­site ded­i­cated to sus­tain­abil­ity in the olive sec­tor.

The result of a col­lab­o­ra­tion agree­ment signed dur­ing last year’s 116th ses­sion of the Council of Members, the por­tal aims to pro­vide news and resources on inter­na­tional sus­tain­abil­ity projects and research.

Juan Gómez Ortega, rec­tor of the uni­ver­sity, and Abdellatif Ghedira, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the IOC, signed the agree­ment to facil­i­tate the gath­er­ing and shar­ing of infor­ma­tion and research related to sus­tain­abil­ity across the olive and olive oil indus­tries.

See Also:New Research to Study Impact of Soil Health on Olive Oil Quality

This spe­cific agree­ment is intended, through the INOU, to work in the field of sus­tain­abil­ity in the olive sec­tor, and use the insti­tute as a means to carry out stud­ies and share with soci­ety in gen­eral, and with the olive sec­tor in par­tic­u­lar, rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion on a topic that is enor­mously impor­tant, that being the objec­tive of mak­ing the sec­tor more and more sus­tain­able at a global level,” Gómez said.

There will be a direct link to the insti­tute’s web­site with all the infor­ma­tion, pub­li­ca­tions, and guides on sus­tain­abil­ity issues so that we can bring the sec­tor and soci­ety closer together as far as pos­si­ble [on] this issue, which is so impor­tant for every­one as well as for the sec­tor,” he added.

Ghedira added that train­ing and research are both areas where the University of Jaén serves as one of the IOC’s pri­mary part­ner insti­tu­tions. He said that pro­mot­ing a greater rela­tion­ship between the pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors, and back­ing sus­tain­abil­ity to address some of the prob­lems fac­ing the world, were cen­tral to the frame­work of this new col­lab­o­ra­tion.

Now offi­cially launched and acces­si­ble from the IOC and INOU web­sites, the por­tal pro­vides mate­r­ial in both English and Spanish.

Along with recent news arti­cles, the site con­tains sec­tions ded­i­cated to spe­cific resource areas, includ­ing a col­lated selec­tion of down­load­able sci­en­tific pub­li­ca­tions; links to rel­e­vant European Union poli­cies, pro­grams and projects; and links to sus­tain­abil­ity and bio­di­ver­sity projects such as Gen4Olive, Sustainolive and Olivares Vivos.

Additionally, an edu­ca­tional sec­tion pro­vides free guides and other resources on var­i­ous top­ics, from agri­cul­ture and soil to the envi­ron­ment, sus­tain­abil­ity and cli­mate change.

The new site com­ple­ments the IOC’s exist­ing Olive Health Information System and culi­nary por­tals.


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