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Olive Oil Times Launches Distance Education Portal

Pre-recorded video lessons and live, interactive workshops cover topics ranging from olive cultivation and oil production to tasting, nutrition and health.
Education Lab instructor and NYIOOC judge Pablo Voitzuk (NYIOOC)
By Brian Wilson
Feb. 16, 2021 07:15 UTC

The Olive Oil Times Education lab has devel­oped a remote learn­ing plat­form for olive oil with on-demand courses, webi­nars and work­shops that can be tai­lored to indi­vid­ual goals.

Pre-recorded video lessons and live, inter­ac­tive pro­grams cover top­ics rang­ing from olive cul­ti­va­tion and oil pro­duc­tion to qual­ity assess­ment, nutri­tion and health.

See Also:Olive Oil Times Education Lab

The video lessons — pre­sented in English with Spanish and Italian sub­ti­tles — are saved in the user’s dash­board where they can be watched, paused and resumed at any time.

Interactive webi­nars include the deliv­ery of sam­ples and tast­ing glasses in advance of live meet­ings with guided tast­ings and instruc­tion.

The plat­form was cre­ated to pro­vide dis­tance learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for pro­duc­ers, importers and dis­trib­u­tors, retail­ers, food­ser­vice pro­fes­sion­als and any­one who wants to learn more about olive oil.

While the course offer­ings in the ini­tial release of the plat­form are lim­ited, any­one with exper­tise in olive oil can apply to be an instruc­tor, and the cat­a­log of courses will be con­tin­u­ously expanded.

Registered users are noti­fied when new course offer­ings are added.

Registration for the Education Lab’s in-per­son pro­grams, which were sus­pended due to the Covid-19 pan­demic, will also be avail­able on the por­tal when they resume.

More infor­ma­tion is avail­able on the Education Lab web­site.


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