`Puglia Invests in Early Detection of Olive Tree Diseases and Pests - Olive Oil Times
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Puglia Invests in Early Detection of Olive Tree Diseases and Pests

By Paolo DeAndreis
Apr. 5, 2021 07:31 UTC

The Puglian regional gov­ern­ment has given €160,000 to the Italian agritech startup Elaisian to expand its inter­net of things tech­nol­ogy through­out olive groves in the region.

Elaisian has raised €1 mil­lion in its lat­est round of fundrais­ing from both pub­lic and pri­vate investors, which it will use to expand its tech­nol­ogy to groves through­out the Mediterranean, North and South America.

Technology in the pri­mary sec­tor is paving the way for pre­ci­sion agri­cul­ture, with strong evi­dence of the ben­e­fits com­ing from the big data applied to the sec­tor.- Damiano Angelici and Giovanni Di Mambro, co-founders, Elaisian

Founded in 2017, the com­pany installs dig­i­tal sen­sors in olive groves that col­lect real-time cli­mate data. The data is trans­mit­ted to the company’s plat­form and ana­lyzed by an algo­rithm, which pro­vides advice on issues rang­ing from when to har­vest, how much fer­til­izer to use and poten­tial pest risks.

Elaisian prod­ucts that are aimed at olive grow­ers specif­i­cally tar­get pests and dis­eases such as the olive fruit fly and the olive moth, lep­rosy and Spilocaea oleaginea, the fungi respon­si­ble for pea­cock spot.

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By gath­er­ing cli­mate data from a spe­cific mon­i­tored field, our algo­rithms join these cli­mate data with his­tor­i­cal infor­ma­tion about the local cli­mate and agro­nomic stud­ies,” the com­pany said on its web­site.

The results are detailed alerts and report­ing ser­vices,” it added. From any device, smart­phone, tablet or com­puter, every farmer receives infor­ma­tion on the pos­si­ble future pres­ence of dis­eases and sug­ges­tions on when it would be the most appro­pri­ate time to deploy a treat­ment for the olive trees.”


Photo: Elaisian

Alerts are sent via a ded­i­cated mobile appli­ca­tion and are meant to antic­i­pate a spe­cific pest or dis­ease out­break within at least a week.

The appli­ca­tion also allows farm­ers to mon­i­tor humid­ity, tem­per­a­ture and other weather and cli­mate data at any time. In excep­tional cases, when imme­di­ate action is advised, farm­ers can also receive alerts via SMS.

Technology in the pri­mary sec­tor is paving the way for pre­ci­sion agri­cul­ture, with strong evi­dence of the ben­e­fits com­ing from the big data applied to the sec­tor,” said Damiano Angelici and Giovanni Di Mambro, co-founders of the com­pany.

The ben­e­fits for the farms include sav­ing costs on treat­ment deploy­ment and labor while aim­ing at higher qual­ity and pro­duc­tion yields as well as at dimin­ish­ing their envi­ron­men­tal impact,” they added.


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