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Spain Deploys Police to Monitor Olive Harvest

More than 1,000 agents from Spain’s Civil Guard will be posted at olive mills and olive receiving posts in Jaén to prevent the theft of fruit.
By Daniel Dawson
Nov. 15, 2021 15:29 UTC

More than 1,000 agents from Spain’s Civil Guard have been deployed into the olive groves of Jaén to help mon­i­tor the har­vest.

The fed­eral police force is Spain’s old­est law enforce­ment agency and inves­ti­gates crimes in rural areas. The agents will be posted at local olive mills and olive receiv­ing posts.

See Also:2021 Harvest Updates

Catalina Madueño, the fed­eral government’s sub-del­e­gate in Jaén, announced last week that the 1,150 agents would improve secu­rity lev­els in rural areas and improve the sub­jec­tive sense of secu­rity.”

To achieve this, the work of the Civil Guard and also of the National Police will focus on the effec­tive­ness of the fight against a very spe­cific type of crime, pro­mot­ing the pres­ence of agents in rural areas and con­tin­u­ing to con­sol­i­date the level of col­lab­o­ra­tion and par­tic­i­pa­tion achieved with all the actors involved in the agri­cul­tural cam­paign,” she added.

The deci­sion to deploy fed­eral agents into the olive groves comes on the back of a report pub­lished in May, which said that 121,000 kilo­grams of olives were stolen dur­ing the 2020 olive har­vest.

This fig­ure, which rep­re­sented a 35-per­cent increase in olive thefts com­pared to the 2019 har­vest, sur­prised some in the region since olive thefts had been trend­ing down­ward.

In 2019, Madueño also deployed more than 1,000 fed­eral police in Jaén to patrol the region’s olive groves on foot, on horse­back and in heli­copters.

At the time, she said about 25 per­cent of olive thefts involved steal­ing har­vested olives that were left in the groves wait­ing to be trans­ported to the mills.

Fortunately for some grow­ers last year, 31,000 kilo­grams of olives were recov­ered and 50 peo­ple were arrested in con­nec­tion with the thefts.


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