`Trade Group Launches Digital Campaign to Promote Olive Oil in Australia - Olive Oil Times
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Trade Group Launches Digital Campaign to Promote Olive Oil in Australia

By Lisa Anderson
Oct. 31, 2023 18:20 UTC

Earlier this month, the Australian Olive Oil Association (AOOA) intro­duced its first con­sumer cam­paign to pro­mote all grades of olive oil. The orga­ni­za­tion said the drive is get­ting off to a suc­cess­ful start.

The three-year-long mar­ket­ing ini­tia­tive, Get Drizzling,” aims to encour­age Australians to driz­zle olive oil as a fin­ish­ing touch on all their food, even ice cream.

Our research shows this is the strongest oppor­tu­nity for these foodie explor­ers to get driz­zling. This age group heav­ily uses social media and looks to the inter­net for food ideas and cook­ing inspi­ra­tion.- Jan Jacklin, gen­eral man­ager, AOOA

According to the AOOA, the cam­paign is brand agnos­tic because the orga­ni­za­tion wants all brands to drive the demand for olive oil.

The dig­i­tal cam­paign pro­motes olive oil as a sim­ple, healthy and deli­cious vital final touch to all dishes, accord­ing to the AOOA.

See Also:Nutritionists Evaluate Merits of Olive Oil Shot TikTok Trend

In the first week, the dig­i­tal cam­paign was seen by 1.1 mil­lion peo­ple on Instagram and Meta (for­merly Facebook),” Jan Jacklin, the gen­eral man­ager of the AOOA, told Olive Oil Times. On TikTok, where the audi­ence is younger, the launch video has been viewed more than 560,000 times.”

The Get Drizzling web­site has also reg­is­tered good traf­fic as peo­ple click through to learn more about olive oil,” she added. This is a strong start and great for the cat­e­gory of olive oil.”

Jacklin said the cam­paign, which she described as fresh and ener­getic, tar­gets house­hold cooks between 25 and 54.

They’re men, women, sin­gles, cou­ples and par­ents; it does­n’t mat­ter,” she said. What does mat­ter is that they already use olive oil and are open to using more of it.”

Our research shows this is the strongest oppor­tu­nity for these foodie explor­ers to get driz­zling,” Jacklin added. This age group heav­ily uses social media and looks to the inter­net for food ideas and cook­ing inspi­ra­tion. That’s why our cam­paign is dig­i­tal.”

For the ini­tia­tive, the AOOA recruited three promi­nent Australian tastemak­ers to inspire con­sumers to change their behav­ior and get driz­zling.

As part of the cam­paign, celebrity chef Khangh Ong pro­motes olive oil as a way to improve any dish by adding umami fla­vor and tex­ture. The kitchen sta­ple’s grassy and flo­ral notes com­ple­ment all the dishes he pro­motes.

Along with recipe devel­oper Lucy Rosenberg and food influ­encer Leah Itsines, Ong designed a range of recipes for the drive.

The color palette for the cam­paign’s ads was explic­itly cho­sen to reflect the joy and energy peo­ple get from great food, and the influ­encers driz­zle olive oil to a lively back­ground beat inspired by kitchen sounds.

Besides dri­ving engage­ment through Instagram, Meta and TikTok ads, the cam­paign also fea­tures on pop­u­lar recipe, news and enter­tain­ment web­sites.

According to the AOOA, the cam­paign could not have come at a bet­ter time, with olive oil sup­ply and pric­ing under pres­sure world­wide.


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