`Yale to Host Fourth Olive Oil Symposium in Rome - Olive Oil Times
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Yale to Host Fourth Olive Oil Symposium in Rome

By Paolo DeAndreis
Aug. 10, 2022 18:27 UTC

Olives, olive oil, cul­ture and cli­mate change will be the main focus of a three-day event orga­nized in Rome by the Yale School of Public Health.

From September 15 to 18, the Yale Symposium on Olive Oil and Health will host a series of sci­en­tific pre­sen­ta­tions, social events and olive oil tast­ings meant to fos­ter dis­cus­sion and col­lab­o­ra­tion.

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The orga­niz­ers said the sym­po­sium would bring together aca­d­e­mics and indus­try play­ers involved in research and edu­ca­tion.

They aim to improve the syn­ergy between sci­ence, tech­nol­ogy and cul­ture to address cli­mate change and envi­ron­men­tal con­ser­va­tion. There will also be dis­cus­sions about olive oil busi­ness, pol­icy and mar­ket­ing.

Speakers and events will cover a range of sub­jects, includ­ing agron­omy, chem­istry, eco­nom­ics, gas­tron­omy, nutri­tion, pol­i­tics and well­ness.

The last cou­ple of years have made it clear, more than ever before, that our efforts toward improv­ing human and plan­e­tary health should be mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary and col­lab­o­ra­tive,” said Tassos C. Kyriakides, the co-chair of the orga­niz­ing com­mit­tee from the Yale School of Public Health.

Ylenia Granitto, a senior writer for Olive Oil Times and pro­fes­sional taster, is a mem­ber of the orga­niz­ing and sci­en­tific com­mit­tee. Among the speak­ers of the event are American, Spanish, Italian and Greek researchers and olive oil experts.

A com­plete list of speak­ers and infor­ma­tion about reg­is­tra­tion may be found here. Registration is open until September 9.


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