`Police Say Smuggled Moroccan Olive Oil Found in 'Toxic Goods' Containers - Olive Oil Times
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Police Say Smuggled Moroccan Olive Oil Found in 'Toxic Goods' Containers

By Julie Butler
Feb. 6, 2014 13:58 UTC

About 397 liters of ille­gally imported Moroccan olive oil in con­tain­ers labeled as con­tain­ing toxic and cor­ro­sive sub­stances was found in a van headed for Barcelona last week, accord­ing to Spanish police.

The Guardia Civil said that the oil, which appeared not to have been declared to Spanish Customs, was dis­cov­ered on January 28 dur­ing bor­der patrol vehi­cle inspec­tions near a toll sta­tion on the AP‑7 high­way in Martorell, about 20 miles inland from Barcelona.

Upon inspect­ing the van they found var­i­ous plas­tic con­tain­ers of 5 – 20 liter capac­ity, all car­ry­ing labels indi­cat­ing they con­tained toxic and cor­ro­sive sub­stances,” but which the agents found actu­ally con­tained olive oil, a Guardia Civil media release said.

The oil was stored in recy­cled con­tain­ers unfit for con­tents which, accord­ing to the trans­porter, were des­tined for human con­sump­tion,” it said.

A Guardia Civil spokesman told Olive Oil Times it was the first such case he was aware of in Barcelona, at least in terms of such quan­ti­ties of olive oil.” He said he could not say the type of olive oil involved but it had been con­fis­cated and the mat­ter referred to the Spanish Customs branch in Barcelona for inves­ti­ga­tion as an alleged con­tra­band infrac­tion.


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