`Syria, Venezuela Sign Olive Oil Trade Agreement - Olive Oil Times
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Syria, Venezuela Sign Olive Oil Trade Agreement

By Daniel Williams
Jun. 21, 2010 12:14 UTC

By Daniel Williams
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Barcelona

In sev­eral weeks a Syrian del­e­ga­tion will travel to Venezuela to con­firm a bilat­eral treaty approv­ing the trans­fer of olive oil tech­nol­ogy and infor­ma­tion between the two coun­tries. This recent col­lab­o­ra­tion is part of President Hugo Chavez’s greater plan to strengthen ties, both com­mer­cial and oth­er­wise, with like-minded states like Syria.

Venezuela’s rela­tion­ship with Syria is strate­gic; it isn’t restricted to eco­nomic and trade coop­er­a­tion only,” said Venezuelan Vice President and Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro Moros.[1]

Maduro Moros has vis­ited Syria sev­eral times already with the inten­tion of solid­i­fy­ing a num­ber of sim­i­lar bilat­eral com­mer­cial projects. A joint Syrian-Venezuelan com­mis­sion reviewed the progress of these projects in May and par­tic­u­lar empha­sis has been placed on the olive oil treaty.

As a ris­ing pro­ducer on the world mar­ket and leader of the olive oil pro­duc­ing Arab states, Syria will soon dis­trib­ute some two thou­sand tons of olive oil through­out South America via the Venezuelan eco­nomic net­work. The Vice President of the Venezuelan Food Corporation, Aníbal Barragán claims that this sym­bi­otic rela­tion­ship will ulti­mately ben­e­fit both coun­tries.

From this strate­gic eco­nomic coop­er­a­tion and with the assur­ance of the pres­i­dent of the Industrias Dianas (the most sig­nif­i­cant pro­ducer in Venezuela’s olive oil sec­tor) the national pop­u­lace of Venezuela will soon have access to olive oil prod­ucts at reduced prices. These low prices are expected to open the door to a greater demand for olive oil prod­ucts in South America – a demand that Syria hopes to fill soon.

To fur­ther this olive oil ini­tia­tive, both sides have planned to host a Syrian-Venezuelan Business Forum in Damascus in March of 2011.


Syria’s Place in the World’s Top Olive Oil Producing Countries

CountryProduction [2]Consumption [2]Annual per capita con­sump­tion (kg)[2]
United States0%8%0.56

  1. Syrian Arab News Agency:Bilal, Venezuelan Vice President Discuss Cooperation Prospects”
  2. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2005


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