`Borges Plans $2.7M Campaign to Promote Olive Oil in India - Olive Oil Times
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Borges Plans $2.7M Campaign to Promote Olive Oil in India

By Vikas Vij
Aug. 12, 2011 12:43 UTC

Borges Mediterranean Food Products, one of the largest pro­duc­ers of olive oil in the world, is step­ping up its mar­ket­ing efforts in India with a major adver­tis­ing cam­paign. The Spanish multi­na­tional has appointed lead­ing ad agency Law & Kenneth to develop a cre­ative cam­paign to pro­mote olive oil in the grow­ing Indian mar­ket.

This is the first time the com­pany has appointed a cre­ative part­ner to pro­mote its prod­ucts aggres­sively in India, where total imports of olive oil grew 60 per­cent in 2010. There is an increased aware­ness in India about the numer­ous health ben­e­fits of olive oil. However, this new­found aware­ness is largely restricted to the upper and mid­dle eco­nomic sec­tions of the soci­ety in the urban areas. A very large por­tion of the Indian mar­ket is still wait­ing to be tapped.

The bud­get for the entire media cam­paign is esti­mated to be about $2.7 mil­lion — a sig­nif­i­cant ad spend for olive oil in the Indian mar­ket indi­cat­ing how seri­ously Borges may be view­ing the poten­tial return. The com­pany is aim­ing at a com­pre­hen­sive brand-build­ing to gain a lead­er­ship posi­tion in the domes­tic olive oil con­sumer mar­ket in India.

Borges plans to push its brand here with a major focus on non-con­ven­tional media and some inno­v­a­tive below-the-line (BTL) mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties all intended to improve con­sumer inter­ac­tion and estab­lish a dia­logue around the inher­ent ben­e­fits of olive oil with Indian con­sumers.


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