`India's Leonardo Olive Oil Unveils New 'Go Indiano' Campaign - Olive Oil Times
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India's Leonardo Olive Oil Unveils New 'Go Indiano' Campaign

By Vikas Vij
Nov. 1, 2011 10:54 UTC

Dalmia Continental’s flag­ship brand Leonardo Olive Oil has launched a new, high-deci­bel adver­tis­ing cam­paign for the fes­tive sea­son in India. The cam­paign is designed by Euro RSCG, one of the largest global adver­tis­ing com­pa­nies.

The cam­paign has the slo­gan: Join the Change. Go Indiano.” The slo­gan aims to announce the arrival of a shift in the choice of cook­ing oils. VN Dalmia, chair­man of Dalmia Continental said that Euro RSCG’s cre­ative cam­paign was cho­sen from among the pro­posed pitches of some of the top ad agen­cies in India. The com­pany is expected to invest more than $12 mil­lion over the next five years toward mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion of olive oil prod­ucts.

Euro RSCG says that the word Indiano” means Indian” in the Italian lan­guage. Go Indiano” com­mu­ni­cates an entire lifestyle of eat­ing healthy and liv­ing well, just the way Italians do, but in an Indian con­text.” The cul­tural sim­i­lar­i­ties between Indians and Italians are high­lighted through this slo­gan.

Sheel Saket, Euro RSCG’s vice pres­i­dent, com­mented on the Indo-Italian cul­tural bond that the cam­paign brings to the fore: Whether it is our love for food and get-togeth­ers or the impor­tance given to fam­ily or the rash dri­ving in a hurry to get nowhere or the laid­back atti­tude to life, we are alike in many ways and love the same things. Leonardo Olive Oil stands for this spirit of life. In our cam­paign, we will show­case the sim­i­lar­i­ties between Italy in India.”

The focus of our com­mu­ni­ca­tion is to break the myths around the prod­uct and high­light the degree of good­ness vis-a-vis reg­u­lar edi­ble oil. Using olive oil is a whole­some expe­ri­ence beyond just being best in taste and best for health. Then why should only the richer few have it? We want to spread the good­ness to the masses,” Saket added.


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