`Indian Olive Association Objects to Proposed Standards - Olive Oil Times
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Indian Olive Association Objects to Proposed Standards

By Vikas Vij
Jan. 7, 2013 09:58 UTC

The Indian Olive Association (IOA) has raised objec­tions to new olive oil stan­dards pro­posed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). The objec­tions per­tain to the mis­match between the stan­dards pro­posed by FSSAI and the inter­na­tion­ally accepted stan­dards estab­lished by Codex and the International Olive Council (IOC).

The pres­i­dent of the Indian Olive Association, VN Dalmia, has writ­ten to the Chief Executive Officer of FSSAI, mak­ing sug­ges­tions that he said will help detect and pre­vent adul­ter­ation and ran­cid­ity in pack­aged olive oil. IOA is press­ing for an amend­ment to the noti­fi­ca­tion issued by the FSSAI regard­ing the pro­posed new stan­dards, with a view to pro­tect­ing con­sumer health and con­form­ing to the inter­na­tional qual­ity stan­dards.

Dalmia said that chang­ing the four items were essen­tial to pro­tect­ing con­sumer health and safety. He pointed out that the items were already a part of Codex and International Olive Council stan­dards. Dalmia added that in order to con­form to Codex stan­dards, the FSSAI would have to add at least 15 items to its pro­posed new stan­dards. Without the inclu­sion of the sug­gested items to the new stan­dards, Dalmia said, the inter­ests of the con­sumers and the olive oil indus­try would be prej­u­diced.”

IOA had orig­i­nally taken up with FSSAI the mat­ter of amend­ing trade stan­dards for olive oil in 2007 and had pro­posed that Indian stan­dards be amended to con­form to IOC stan­dards. Subsequently, FSSAI had agreed to con­sider amend­ments based on the stan­dards preva­lent in Codex and not those of IOC. While FSSAI’s new stan­dards incor­po­rate some of IOA’s sug­ges­tions, many items have been left out.


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