`Indian Olive Association Responds to Reports of Olive Oil Blockade - Olive Oil Times
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Indian Olive Association Responds to Reports of Olive Oil Blockade

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Aug. 28, 2014 09:33 UTC

The Indian Olive Association (IOA) has released a state­ment in response to the widely-reported Indian ban on European olive oil.

Recent news has sug­gested Indian ports refused to clear European foods includ­ing olive oils and held the oils and other per­ish­able imports in unsuit­able ware­houses. The block­age was claimed to have been in response to the EU’s tem­po­rary ban on Indian man­gos and fruits after pests were found among a por­tion of the ship­ments.

According to the state­ment released by the IAO, All such reports are incor­rect and the olive oil indus­try in India does not cur­rently have uncleared con­sign­ments that have been denied entry into India.”

It fur­ther con­tra­dicts the claim that uniden­ti­fied salt con­tent in oils were part of the rea­son for the imposed ban. The salt con­tent issue refers to table olives and not olive oil. The Indian trade stan­dards for table olives are dif­fer­ent from the trade stan­dards in Codex, for exam­ple olives dark­ened by oxi­da­tion must have a min­i­mum sodium chlo­ride per­cent­age of 7 per­cent in brine whereas in Codex it is GMP.”
See Also:India Blocks European Olive Oil After EU Bans its Mangoes, MEP Claims
Codex Alimentarius, an inter­na­tional trade com­mis­sion, has been around since 1963 and has estab­lished a body of sci­en­tif­i­cally based stan­dards for food safety and trade. Despite the dif­fer­ent stan­dards, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has agreed to clear the table olives, the Indian Food and Beverage report said. Progress is also being made on the Indian side toward align­ing the two stan­dards.


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