`Indian Delegation Visits Spanish Producers - Olive Oil Times
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Indian Delegation Visits Spanish Producers

By Vikas Vij
Oct. 5, 2011 07:35 UTC

A high pro­file Indian del­e­ga­tion of 12 pro­fes­sion­als from the food and bev­er­ages indus­try vis­ited Spain to explore import oppor­tu­ni­ties for the Indian mar­ket.

The Indian del­e­ga­tion included the well-known Chef Saby of the Olive Bar & Kitchen Restaurant, nine importers and dis­trib­u­tors of food and bev­er­ages, and two buy­ers of Indian retail chains HyperCity and SPAR. Each of the Indian importers had at least 15 meet­ings with dif­fer­ing Spanish com­pa­nies from the food and bev­er­ages sec­tor. The del­e­gates also vis­ited some of the lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing sites in Spain.

The Indian food and bev­er­ages sec­tor is val­ued at an esti­mated 134 bil­lion Euros, with an annual growth rate of 14 per­cent, and cov­er­ing a large Indian mid­dle class of 400 mil­lion con­sumers. The mar­ket for imported food prod­ucts in India cur­rently stands at about 50 mil­lion Euros.

The Spanish food and bev­er­age indus­try exports to India in 13 food cat­e­gories, out of which olives and olive oil are the most suc­cess­ful exports. The Spanish food indus­try has placed a strong bet on India among the emerg­ing mar­kets. An exam­ple of Spain’s focus on the Indian mar­ket is its Indian Plan 2010 – 2012.” This ambi­tious plan pro­motes Spanish food and bev­er­ages in India, involv­ing MARM, ICEX, FIAB and regional pro­mo­tional agen­cies of 11 autonomous regions.


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