`Olive Council to Probe Discrepancy in Import Data for India - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Council to Probe Discrepancy in Import Data for India

By Julie Butler
May. 29, 2013 09:39 UTC

The International Olive Council is inves­ti­gat­ing why its data on olive oil trade in the rapidly-grow­ing mar­ket of India show most imports are of refined olive oil while those of the Indian olive Association show that olive pomace oil pre­dom­i­nates.

As reported in Olive Oil Times ear­lier this month, Indian olive oil imports last sea­son rose 74 per­cent on 2010/11, though to a total of just 9,400 tons.

According to data in the IOC’s April newslet­ter, nearly three quar­ters of India’s imports were clas­si­fied as olive oil grade, 18 per­cent vir­gin and 9 per­cent pomace.

But accord­ing to the Indian Olive Association, a much higher pro­por­tion of the imports were olive pomace oil.

Based on fig­ures from Italy’s National Federation of Oil Traders (Federolio) cov­er­ing imports from Italy and Spain — which account for the vast major­ity of India’s olive oil and olive pomace oil imports — the Indian asso­ci­a­tion said that in the 2011-12 crop year, vir­gin oils accounted for 18 per­cent of the imports, olive oil for 31 per­cent and olive pomace oil for 51 per­cent, com­pared to 21, 41 and 37 per­cent respec­tively in 2010-11.

Federolio’s data should be cor­rect as it is based on cus­toms data of Spain and Italy,” Indian Olive Association sec­re­tary Shabnam Pareek told Olive Oil Times.

Asked for com­ment, an IOC spokesper­son said that its data came from offi­cial sources in importer coun­tries.

In the spe­cific case of India, it is the Ministry of Commerce of India that facil­i­tates the data to Global Trade Information Services, which is the source that pro­vides the imports fig­ures for the IOC. In the case of export data, it is the export­ing coun­tries them­selves which pro­vide the data directly to the IOC.”

The IOC takes note of the dis­crep­an­cies and will sub­mit the issue to its mem­bers coun­tries to try to pin­point the ori­gin of the dif­fer­ences,” the IOC said.


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