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Australia / NZ

Oct. 31, 2024

Two Australian Producers Celebrate Decade of Success at World Competition

They overcame pests and climatic challenges to earn seven awards at the 2024 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition.

Oct. 1, 2024

Rising Prices Accompany Off-Year Harvest in Australia

Labor shortages, climate hiccups, insects and even parrots have impacted smaller growers across Australia. Meanwhile, prices for imported oils rise to unprecedented levels.

May. 1, 2024

Australian Olive Association Implements Quality Monitoring Program

The program aims to assure Australians that olive oils are correctly labeled and meet the necessary standards at a time of increasing prices.

Apr. 1, 2024

Olive Lace Bug Adds to Harvest Woes for Australian Farmers

Wet summers and mild winters have allowed the Australian lace bug to spread from its usual host plants to olive trees across the island.

Mar. 10, 2024

After Two Bad Harvests, Producers in New Zealand Anticipate a Rebound

Less rainfall in New Zealand has sparked hope for the country's growers, but the drier weather has come with another set of problems.

Feb. 26, 2024

Australian Olive Growers Begin Harvest With Mixed Expectations

A light crop year is expected to lead to a limited supply and higher prices.

Jul. 31, 2023

Extreme Weather Batters NZ Growers, Causing Second-Consecutive Production Decline

Early frosts, heavy rainfall and anthracnose have resulted in a lower yield for New Zealand producers this year.

Jun. 27, 2023

New Zealand Producer Uses Brix Levels to Determine Ideal Harvest Moment

Unlike with grapes or other fruit, Ross Vintiner harvests olives when the sugar level falls, indicating that oil is accumulating and polyphenol content remains high.

May. 23, 2023

Backyard Growers Create Prize-Winning Olive Oil in Australia

Two Australian organizations are working to prevent olives growing in Melbourne from going to waste by milling combined batches and returning the oil to the community.

Apr. 17, 2023

New Zealand Growers' Hopes Not Washed Away by Heavy Rains

Industry officials predict a second-consecutive production decline in New Zealand following an excessively wet summer.

Apr. 5, 2023

Farmers in Australia Look Forward to An Abundant Harvest

Producers cited climatic challenges, supply chain issues and disease as potential challenges but remain optimistic for a bumper harvest.

Jan. 9, 2023

Olive Council Launches Campaign in Australia

The promotional campaign began with a formal presentation in Sydney. It aims to raise consumer awareness and pave the way for a possible future entry of Australia into the IOC.

Oct. 27, 2022

Australian Heatwave Harbinger of Hot Summer, Hotter Century

Temperatures in northeastern Australia are 5 ºC higher than the average monthly highs.


Apr. 20, 2021

Olive Oil Consumption Hits Record High in Australia

The International Olive Council predicts that Australians will consume 51,000 tons of olive oil in the 2020/21 fiscal campaign ahead of what could be a record harvest for producers.

May. 20, 2020

Australian Producers Receive Hard-earned Recognition at World Olive Oil Competition

Australian producers took home five Gold and six Silver Awards at the 2020 edition of the world's most prestigious olive oil quality contest.

May. 19, 2020

New Zealand's Producers Rake in Awards at 8th NYIOOC

New Zealand producers earned a record-setting seven awards from eight entries at the 2020 edition of the world's most prestigious olive oil quality contest.

Apr. 22, 2020

Australia Offers Growers Help Managing Workforce Restrictions

New resources and legislation can assist Australian growers to address the challenges in managing their workforce during the Covid-19 crisis.

Mar. 31, 2020

Coronavirus Impacts Australian Growers as Harvest Nears

While much of the world grinds to a halt in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, olive growers in Australia are getting ready to harvest.

Jan. 27, 2020

Australian Producers Making Do Despite Bush Fires, Record Drought

In spite of a record drought and devastating bush fires, some large Australian producers are expecting close to an average production and high-quality oils in 2020.

Jan. 26, 2020

Australia Hails Sino-American Trade Deal, but Danger Lurks for Farmers

The new accord favors global economic growth in general but could lead to a reduction of the Australian share in the Chinese market.

Jan. 13, 2020

Drought, Not Fire, Remains the Bane of Australian Olive Growers

Australia's olive growers have mostly been spared from the wildfires that have been ravaging the country. Persistent drought, however, continues to cause concern.
