`Australian Exporters List 30 Trade Barriers Since Launch of New Register - Olive Oil Times
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Australian Exporters List 30 Trade Barriers Since Launch of New Register

By Lisa Anderson
Nov. 4, 2019 11:44 UTC

Australian exporters have listed 30 trade bar­ri­ers since Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL), the Export Council of Australia (ECA) and Industry Growth Centres col­lab­o­rated to launch a new Trade Barriers Register (TBR) recently.

The TBR was launched to bet­ter under­stand the chal­lenges that impede the abil­ity of Australian exporters to com­pete glob­ally, and to assist them to over­come these.

Ahead of the launch of the TBR in September; red tape, opaque stan­dards, unnec­es­sary tech­ni­cal reg­u­la­tions and dis­crim­i­na­tory prac­tices were some known obsta­cles.

Besides giv­ing exporters a plat­form to report reg­u­la­tory and com­mer­cial bar­ri­ers, the reg­is­ter serves as an infor­ma­tion por­tal where pro­duc­ers can find the lat­est trade news.

Once exporters report these bar­ri­ers, they are either advised on how to min­i­mize the impact or the bar­ri­ers are removed.

At the time of the launch, act­ing CEO of the ECA Heath Baker pointed out that as free trade agree­ments have low­ered the tar­iffs Australian busi­nesses face inter­na­tion­ally, other forms of trade bar­ri­ers have grown in rel­e­vance.”


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