`Australian Olive Association Names Lisa Rowntree First CEO - Olive Oil Times
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Australian Olive Association Names Lisa Rowntree First CEO

By Penelope Barker
Dec. 5, 2010 13:44 UTC

By Penelope Barker
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Sydney

Testament to the con­tin­u­ing growth and matu­rity of the Australian olive oil indus­try, the Australian Olive Association has announced that it has appointed Lisa Rowntree as its first CEO. Ms Rowntree, of Longridge Olives in Coonalpyn, South Australia, is well known to many in the indus­try and was appointed after an exten­sive process dur­ing which over 30 appli­cants were con­sid­ered for the posi­tion.

Says AOA President, Paul Miller, We are thrilled that Lisa Rowntree has decided to com­bine her exten­sive olive indus­try expe­ri­ence with her busi­ness and
admin­is­tra­tive skills to make a career move that we are sure will ben­e­fit all in the Australian olive indus­try. Lisa’s strong track record as a leader of the indus­try in South Australia, her expe­ri­ence in run­ning the fam­ily busi­ness, as well as her highly effec­tive activ­i­ties as an AOA Board mem­ber all con­tributed to her suc­cess­ful appoint­ment from a very strong field of appli­cants.”

Miller con­tin­ued, The new appoint­ment came about after the AOA con­ducted an exten­sive review of the admin­is­tra­tive needs of the Board, its com­mit­tees and its mem­bers in order to work out how best to meet these needs. It was decided that, as the national body, we needed to be more strate­gic in our think­ing and with a higher degree of account­abil­ity. The indus­try in Australia has grown to the point that it needs to have ded­i­cated paid staff to help achieve the out­comes we desire with­out over-tax­ing the vol­un­teer Directors. The Board of the AOA, which is made up of state-elected Directors and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the large enter­prise group, will con­tinue to set the direc­tion for the indus­try in con­junc­tion with the CEO.”

Paul Miller will con­tinue in his role as President of the AOA and will work closely with the new CEO to ensure that the indus­try grows and pros­pers. With his wealth of indus­try knowl­edge and his­tory with the AOA, he will also remain key spokesper­son and leader of the AOA.

On her appoint­ment as CEO, Lisa Rowntree remarked, We have a good and sound Board of Directors and highly com­pe­tent President and I am cer­tain that we can achieve the goals of the indus­try and deal with the chal­lenges ahead.”

Lisa Rowntree has resigned from sev­eral other roles, includ­ing President of Olives South Australia, in order to now take on this impor­tant national role.


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