`Europe Launches Comprehensive Database of Geographical Indications - Olive Oil Times
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Europe Launches Comprehensive Database of Geographical Indications

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Dec. 16, 2020 09:22 UTC

The European Union has launched a new data­base con­tain­ing infor­ma­tion about agri­cul­tural and food prod­ucts bear­ing a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) or Protected Geographical Indicator (PGI) label under the bloc’s geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tions (GIs) qual­ity plan.

Every E.U.-registered geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tion has a story behind it, reflect­ing the vari­ety and wealth of prod­ucts that our con­ti­nent has to offer.- Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture

GIView con­tains the European GI prod­ucts with a pro­tected sta­tus out­side of the E.U. through rec­i­p­ro­cal agree­ments and, con­versely, all the non‑E.U. prod­ucts pro­tected within Europe.

The plat­form stores infor­ma­tion per­tain­ing to var­i­ous agri­cul­tural prod­ucts includ­ing wine, olives and olive oil, dif­fer­ent types of cheeses, and all other food­stuffs from the E.U. with a pro­tected name and ori­gin.

See Also:Producers Seek PDO in Castile y León

The stored data includes the GI type (PDO or PGI), the pri­or­ity date and legal sta­tus of pro­tec­tion, as well as maps, pho­tographs of the actual prod­ucts, and prod­uct descrip­tions.

The aim is to have the infor­ma­tion read­ily avail­able to pro­duc­ers, con­sumers and all other stake­hold­ers, and in advance pro­tect the prod­ucts, which are deemed the intel­lec­tual prop­erty of Europe, by pro­vid­ing use­ful data to anti-fraud author­i­ties in case of an inves­ti­ga­tion for false prac­tices or imi­ta­tive prod­ucts.

Europe’s GI sys­tem is a valu­able asset. The annual sales of PDO and PGI prod­ucts sur­pass €74 bil­lion ($89.50 bil­lion), while the GI-related pro­duc­ing sec­tors of the E.U. cur­rently occupy around 400,000 employ­ees and con­tribute more than €20 bil­lion ($24.20 bil­lion) to the Union’s GDP.

I am proud to see the launch of the GIview por­tal, devel­oped by the E.U. Intellectual Property Office,” Janusz Wojciechowski, the European Commissioner for Agriculture, said. This plat­form is a great tool to give fur­ther pub­lic­ity to our famous European geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tions and those pro­tected under our inter­na­tional agree­ments.”

Every E.U.-registered geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tion has a story behind it, reflect­ing the vari­ety and wealth of prod­ucts that our con­ti­nent has to offer,” he added. My ser­vices and I will con­tinue to look into ways to strengthen geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tions, hav­ing shown their added-value for pro­duc­ers and con­sumers alike.”


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