`Greece Gets 'Agourelio Chalkidikis' PDO - Olive Oil Times
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Greece Gets 'Agourelio Chalkidikis' PDO

By Marissa Tejada
Jul. 10, 2013 10:20 UTC

EU Grants Greece’s Agourelio Chalkidikis PDO Distinction

The European Commission gave the green light to add Agourelio Chalkidikis (Αγουρέλαιο Χαλκιδικής) to the list of Protected Designations of Origin (PDO). The European Union clas­si­fi­ca­tion of a PDO prod­uct is given to high­light the unique­ness of a prod­uct that is pro­duced in a spe­cific geo­graph­i­cal region. Agourelio Chalkidikis is the 28th Greek olive oil to be granted the spe­cial cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.

The Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Chalkidiki requested the des­ig­na­tion for their local prod­uct three years ago. Agourelio Chalkidikis is known for its low acid­ity and dis­tinct, bright green color and pleas­antly bit­ter char­ac­ter­is­tics.

The des­ig­na­tion gives us more oppor­tu­nity and adds more value to the prod­uct,” said Zacharoula Vassilaki, who pro­duces the extra-vir­gin olive oil Ladopetra in the town of Polygyros in Chalkidiki. Now, our olive oils must be pro­duced and bot­tled right here in Chalkidiki so the true value stays with the prod­uct when we export it world­wide.” Vassilaki cur­rently exports Ladopetra to Germany, Sweden and Slovakia.

Chalkdiki is located in the Greece’s north­ern province of Macedonia, just east of Thessaloniki. The new PDO des­ig­na­tion of Chalkidi’s extra vir­gin olive oil fol­lows the PDO cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of the region’s green olives last year. The large, oval, pale green olives are known for their slightly tart fla­vor.

Chalkidiki pro­duc­ers cre­ate a spe­cial kind of olive oil. The olive har­vest starts in north­ern Greece where the cli­mate enables us to pro­duce the first olive oil of the year in our coun­try,” said Vassilaki. The char­ac­ter­is­tics of the green olive from our region make our extra vir­gin olive oils an extremely healthy prod­uct.”

In a pub­lic state­ment, the Greek Minister for Rural Development and Food, Athanasios Tsaftaris, pointed out that the PDO des­ig­na­tion is a great ben­e­fit for Greek olive oil pro­duc­ers and a boost for the econ­omy. The com­pet­i­tive­ness of Greek agri­cul­ture can­not be based on low pro­duc­tion costs, but the qual­ity and unique­ness of its cer­ti­fied prod­ucts. Europe and the whole world are turn­ing towards qual­ity agri­cul­ture and it is really an oppor­tu­nity for our coun­try to exploit the com­par­a­tive advan­tages and the excel­lent qual­ity of these prod­ucts.”


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