The Spanish region surpassed €2.5 billion in olive oil exports in 2016, setting a new record.
The Spanish region Andalusia surpassed €2.5 billion in olive oil exports in 2016, setting a new record. The world’s leading olive oil-producing region exported 75 percent of the Spain’s total for the year, according to data released by the Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior (Extenda).
Andalusia’s exports of €2.534 billion represented an increase of 21.2 percent from the year before and €300 million more than that of 2014.
Virgin oil it accounted for 73 percent of the exports and the sales for the product ended at a generous €1.85 billion, a 21.4 percent increase over 2015.
All of the top ten markets for Spain increased their purchases of Andalusian olive oils in 2016:
Seville led the region in export sales with a total of €1.219 billion, or 48 percent of the Andalusian total, up by one-third from the previous year.
Córdoba was in second place with €535 million and accounted for 21.1 percent of the market. Málaga registered €349 million with an increase of 16 percent in sales, followed by Jaén with a €265 million accounting for 10.5 percent of the total.
Granada exported a value of €144 million (5.7 percent of the total) — 33 percent less than in 2015. Almería had 13.4 million in sales and a slight rise of 1.8 percent.
The region of Andalusia alone exported almost €1 billion more in olive oil than all of Italy.
U.S. sales of olive oil from Andalusia tripled from 2010 to 2016 to reach €367 million last year. Sales to China rose to €108 million — three times the Italian exports to the growing olive oil market.
More articles on: 2016 olive harvest, Andalusia, import/export
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