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Born to Promote Andalusian Gastronomy and Tourism

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Apr. 16, 2012 08:47 UTC

The Andalusian Academy of Gastronomy and Tourism has been cre­ated with the aim of com­bin­ing into one cor­po­ra­tion the per­sons and enti­ties who have worked these recent years for the qual­ity and pro­mo­tion of food, and its rela­tion­ship to tourism.

Guided by the Doña Maria de las Mercedes Foundation, the new Andalusian Academy which was pre­sented last week in Seville, has been inte­grated into the Royal Spanish Academy of Gastronomy and the Iberoamerican Academy of Gastronomy and involves promi­nent per­son­al­i­ties of the busi­ness, cul­ture, gas­tron­omy and tourism world in Andalusia.

The aims of the Academy, accord­ing to the state­ments of the Foundation, are intended to ben­e­fit the health of cit­i­zens and main­tain pop­u­lar tra­di­tions, as well as high­light the rela­tion­ship between gas­tron­omy and tourism — one of the major indus­tries of Andalusia.

The pres­i­dency of the new insti­tu­tion is held by Manuel Jurado, also pres­i­dent of Landaluz, Business Association of Certified Quality.

In addi­tion, the entity is formed by gas­tron­omy pro­fes­sion­als such as Javier Campos (Bodegas Campos); Paz Ivison, jour­nal­ist, wine and olive oil expert, and also jury mem­ber in sev­eral pres­ti­gious inter­na­tional awards; promi­nent busi­ness­men and women ded­i­cated to the olive oil indus­try like Rosa Vañó (Castillo de Canena), Ángel Camacho (Camacho Angel Group) and Alvaro Guillén (Acesur and Landaluz Association); TV pre­sen­ter Raquel Revuelta; José Manuel Ledesma (Andalusian Federation of Hospitality); and other notable soci­ety fig­ures such as span­ish Magistrate Guillermo Jiménez.

The pre­sen­ta­tion of the acad­emy was held at the facil­i­ties of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Seville and was attended by Rafael Anson, pres­i­dent of the Royal Spanish Academy of Gastronomy, who high­lighted the impor­tance of the Mediterranean Diet — with spe­cial con­sid­er­a­tion to extra vir­gin olive oil — the close con­nec­tion between food and health and the impor­tance of gas­tron­omy and cul­tural her­itage.


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