`Spain's Bogaris Seeks Olive Groves in the U.S. and Chile - Olive Oil Times
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Spain's Bogaris Seeks Olive Groves in the U.S. and Chile

By Daniel Williams
Sep. 29, 2010 14:39 UTC

By Daniel Williams
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Barcelona

Spanish busi­ness group Bogaris looks to acquire and oper­ate a sec­ond olive plan­ta­tion in Chile and at the moment is also engaged in a search to pur­chase a sim­i­lar plan­ta­tion in the United States. The group has out­lined this plan pub­licly and has pre­dicted the two projects will reach their com­ple­tion before 2012.

According to the com­pany web­site, Bogaris pro­motes, devel­ops and man­ages projects in the real estate devel­op­ment indus­try (retail, indus­trial and res­i­den­tial) and also in renew­able ener­gies, waste recy­cling and agroin­dus­try.” The diver­si­fied group, which began in 1988 as the Spanish dis­trib­u­tor for Dupont de
Nemours, recently announced annual net prof­its of over 26 mil­lion euros on
sales of 82 mil­lion euros.

Chairman Rodrigo Charlo Molina

According to the com­mer­cial direc­tor of the firm, Manuel Moyano, the com­pany does not have more plans to expand beyond these major acqui­si­tions in the short term.

We would like for the next Bogaris set­tle­ments to be located in a new for­eign coun­try sit­u­ated in close prox­im­ity to the United States at the hand of the American agro-indus­trial sec­tor,” explained Mr. Moyano. We are already begin­ning to prospect plan­ta­tions in var­i­ous regions of California, where there are already exist­ing olive trees,” he added.1

According to his guar­an­tee, estab­lish­ing such a plat­form in the United States would give the Bogaris group a num­ber of enor­mous com­pet­i­tive advan­tages with respect to the pro­duc­tion and com­mer­cial­iza­tion of olive oil there, as research con­tin­ues to show an enor­mous com­mer­cial poten­tial for the sale of olive oil in North America.

With respect to the Chilean endeavor, Mr. Moyano affirms that the plan is also, another mag­nif­i­cent plan to export to the United States as Chile boasts tar­iff free trade agree­ments as well as open chan­nels for exports”.2

The Bogaris group pre­dicts that the Chilean project will reach its con­clu­sion in 2011 and will cen­ter upon the pro­duc­tion and devel­op­ment of olive oil in bulk. At present, Bogaris already has 981 hectares (over 2,400 acres) of olive trees in the south of Chile, 941 of which are planted in the Colchagua val­ley.

In addi­tion to these upcom­ing projects, Bogaris has explained that the com­pany is look­ing into dis­trib­ut­ing olive oils in a num­ber of other diverse ways, like pri­vate brand­ing. Additionally, Bogaris is look­ing to mar­ket the olive oil obtained from its new plan­ta­tions to the American restau­rant and food ser­vice sec­tor.



[1] Bogaris

[2] Europa PressSeptember 25, 2010.


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