`Olive Oil Leader Carbonell Signs Deal with Formula 1 Team HRT - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Leader Carbonell Signs Deal with Formula 1 Team HRT

By Naomi Tupper
May. 14, 2012 21:26 UTC

Leading Spanish olive oil brand Carbonell has signed a part­ner­ship agree­ment with Formula 1 team HRT in the past week. The deal makes Carbonell the first and only Spanish food brand to become part of Formula 1 rac­ing. The part­ner­ship means that not only will the brand’s logo be on dri­vers suits, but its prod­ucts, includ­ing olive oil, will be inte­grated into the Spanish gas­tro­nomic expe­ri­ence that HRT have cre­ated in con­junc­tion with Arzak-Bokado.

The HRT motor sport team has cre­ated a unique din­ing expe­ri­ence around Formula 1, so it is fit­ting for the team to form a part­ner­ship with a food brand.

The part­ner­ship with Arzak-Bokado, the cater­ing com­pany estab­lished by chef Ferran Adría, of the famed Arzak restau­rant, involves a group of chefs trav­el­ling with the team and cook­ing from a motor home on the European cir­cuit, or kitchen facil­i­ties dur­ing over­seas races. A gas­tro­nomic expe­ri­ence is cre­ated to suit the team and their guests using high qual­ity ingre­di­ents that show­case Spanish cui­sine.

In addi­tion to these menus, the gourmet expe­ri­ence includes such activ­i­ties as cook­ing demon­stra­tions, or light­ning pin­txos”, and is held on the Sunday before the race for team mem­bers, inter­na­tional press and Formula 1 orga­niz­ers.

As part of this new part­ner­ship, Carbonell will be the exclu­sive provider of olive oil, vine­gars and olives for these gas­tro­nomic events. Team Principal for HRT, Luis Pérez-Sala, sup­ported the agree­ment, say­ing that Carbonell inte­grated per­fectly with their gas­tro­nomic part­ners to offer a gourmet expe­ri­ence made from Spanish and fusion cui­sine.

The part­ner­ship is likely to give huge expo­sure to the brand due to the far reach­ing scope of Formula 1 around the world. Managing Director of Deoleo S.A., the group which owns the brand, José María Collantes, said that the part­ner­ship between HRT, Carbonell and Arzak would strengthen the link between Formula 1 and the gas­tro­nomic world and that Carbonell would take part in every aspect related to the teams kitchen, as well as culi­nary activ­i­ties orga­nized by HRT. He also remarked that by sup­port­ing such a pop­u­lar sport as Formula 1, Carbonell would have great vis­i­bil­ity and secure its place as an inno­v­a­tive brand in the world of olive oil, vine­gar and olives.

Established more than 145 years ago, Carbonell is one of the world’s lead­ing olive oil brands, with its prod­ucts avail­able in over sixty coun­tries. The brand is part of the Deoleo S.A. group, the Spanish food pow­er­house that is the world­wide leader in bot­tled olive oil. The agree­ment between Carbonell and HRT goes through the end of 2012 with the option to extend.


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