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EU Funding to Boost Consumer Confidence in Olive Oil Quality

By Julie Butler
Aug. 11, 2014 10:18 UTC

Increasing con­sumer and mar­ket con­fi­dence in olive oil qual­ity is one of the desired impacts of a European Commission fund­ing oppor­tu­nity to the tune of about €500,000 ($669,000).

According to the call for pro­pos­als, oth­ers are mak­ing olive oil more com­pet­i­tive and help­ing improve not just the detec­tion but also the antic­i­pa­tion and pre­ven­tion of fraud.

The call comes under the Authentication of food prod­ucts” topic in the sus­tain­able food secu­rity cat­e­gory of the Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and inno­va­tion pro­gram. It wants pro­pos­als that aim to facil­i­tate coop­er­a­tion between European research fund­ing bod­ies in the area of authen­ti­ca­tion of food prod­ucts,” and pro­vide the basis for an exchange of infor­ma­tion and future col­lab­o­ra­tion,” includ­ing to ensure integrity and trace­abil­ity along the food chain and across European coun­tries.”

The Commission said it con­sid­ers a con­tri­bu­tion from the EU in the range of €500,000 would allow this spe­cific chal­lenge to be addressed appro­pri­ately,” but that doesn’t pre­clude the sub­mis­sion and selec­tion of pro­pos­als for other amounts.

The dead­line for pro­pos­als for grant SFS-14b-2015 is next June 11. A spokesman said it is sep­a­rate from, and in addi­tion to, the now closed fund­ing call SFS-14a-2014 on the topic of olive oil authen­ti­ca­tion.

The lat­ter call, for which €5 mil­lion has been bud­geted, attracted 31 pro­pos­als, 7 of which passed all the thresh­olds and have passed to a sec­ond stage of eval­u­a­tion with a grant agree­ment expected to be signed before mid-November.


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