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Olive Oil from Croatian Island of Krk Gets PDO

Bottles of extra virgin olive oil from Krk will now be labeled with its official appellation “Krčko maslinovo ulje” and its packaging will feature a specially designed logo.

Farrmers at Plominka by Utla
By Isabel Putinja
Jul. 6, 2016 14:06 UTC
Farrmers at Plominka by Utla

A notice was pub­lished today (July 6, 2016) in the European Union’s Official Journal con­firm­ing that extra vir­gin olive oil from the Croatian island of Krk has been granted PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) sta­tus at the EU level. It will receive the offi­cial appel­la­tion Krčko masli­novo ulje” (Krk olive oil), and be entered in the EU reg­is­ter of prod­ucts and food­stuffs with the des­ig­na­tion of PDO.
See Also:The Best Croatian Olive Oils
PDO des­ig­nates a prod­uct or food­stuff which is pro­duced, processed and pre­pared in a cer­tain geo­graph­i­cal area using rec­og­nized know-how. It is the high­est of the three des­ig­na­tions under the EU’s prod­uct cer­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem for agri­cul­tural prod­ucts.

The request for PDO sta­tus to the European Commission was pub­lished on March 15, 2016. The offi­cial sta­tus was granted rel­a­tively quickly — less than four months after pub­li­ca­tion of the request — as it did not receive any objec­tions.

Located in the north Adriatic Sea, Krk is Croatia’s north­ern­most island and one of its biggest. Olive oil is pro­duced there from sev­eral vari­eties indige­nous to the island, includ­ing Debela, Naška, Rošulja and Slatka.

Bottles of extra vir­gin olive oil from Krk will now be labeled with its offi­cial appel­la­tion Krčko masli­novo ulje” and its pack­ag­ing will fea­ture a spe­cially designed logo.

This is the sec­ond extra vir­gin olive oil from Croatia to receive PDO sta­tus at the EU level, the other being olive oil from the island of Cres, which was granted the des­ig­na­tion last year.

There are three other pend­ing appli­ca­tions cur­rently await­ing PDO sta­tus that are expected to be approved some­time this year: extra vir­gin olive oils from the islands of Korčula and Šolta, and the penin­sula of Istria.


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