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Festival to Celebrate Mediterranean Tastes, EVOO in Cilento

The Olivitalymed event runs from May 4th to 6th and will bring together producers, policymakers and enthusiasts for tastings, conferences and discussion.
Castle of Rocca Cilento (Photo: OlivItalyMed)
By Ylenia Granitto
May. 1, 2024 15:26 UTC

From May 4th to 6th, the Castle of Rocca Cilento in the province of Salerno will host the first edi­tion of the Olivitalymed fes­ti­val, ded­i­cated to extra vir­gin olive oil and Mediterranean tastes.

The charm­ing build­ing dates back to the end of the ninth cen­tury and offers spec­tac­u­lar views of the Alento River val­ley. It will host a com­plete pro­gram of tast­ings, mas­ter­classes and con­fer­ences on health, tourism, cater­ing and the indus­try’s future.

We imag­ine Olivitalymed as a round table with the var­i­ous stake­hold­ers… where we can dis­cuss and take action on the cur­rent chal­lenges and the future of extra vir­gin olive oil.- Stefano Pisani, mayor, Pollica

Attendees will have the oppor­tu­nity to taste some of the best Italian extra vir­gin olive oils, paired with other pre­mium agri-food prod­ucts, includ­ing bread, veg­eta­bles, seafood and desserts, includ­ing gelato, accom­pa­nied by cock­tails.

Furthermore, pro­duc­ers can meet buy­ers from dif­fer­ent coun­tries.

See Also:Uruguay to Host Conference on Olive Oil Sector Research, Innovation

The three-day event came to fruition due to the col­lab­o­ra­tion between local insti­tu­tions and lead­ing indus­try orga­ni­za­tions.

In the press release issued to mark its launch, the orga­niz­ers announced the pres­ence of many key play­ers in the sec­tor. Given the pro­jec­t’s high pro­file, they empha­sized that Olivitalymed aspires to become a ref­er­ence event for experts and enthu­si­asts who want an all-around sen­sory expe­ri­ence.

Olivitalymed has the ambi­tion to be an event capa­ble of gath­er­ing pro­duc­tions and peo­ple who make extra vir­gin olive oil great,” said the Sgueglia fam­ily, the venue’s owner and orga­nizer. It is a sort of hub capa­ble of sat­is­fy­ing the needs of experts with­out for­get­ting to offer this pre­cious prod­uct to enthu­si­asts and begin­ners.”

For us and all our col­lab­o­ra­tors, it also rep­re­sents the oppor­tu­nity to real­ize the dream of the head of our fam­ily, Stefano, who recently passed away,” they added. He is the true cre­ator of this event, which takes place in Cilento, the birth­place of the Mediterranean diet.”

In this scenic cor­ner of Campania, Ancel Keys con­ducted his research and, with the Seven Countries Study, laid the foun­da­tions of the Mediterranean diet.

Representatives of the Mediterranean Diet Emblematic Communities will attend the event. The task force is com­prised of the seven com­mu­ni­ties of Brač and Hvar in Croatia; Agros in Cyprus; Koroni in Greece; Chefchaouen in Morocco; Tavira in Portugal; Soria in Spain; and the coor­di­na­tor of the group, Pollica in Italy, which sup­port and pro­mote the Mediterranean diet, rec­og­nized on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

It is impor­tant for us to con­tribute to the first edi­tion of this event, and we are eager to con­tinue work­ing with Olivitalymed,” Stefano Pisani, the mayor of Pollica, told Olive Oil Times. It is an ideal place to dis­cuss the future of extra vir­gin olive oil, a sta­ple of the Mediterranean diet, and how we can sup­port the areas where the olive tree is present and must be pro­tected.”

In our last meet­ing, we talked about the impact of cli­mate change on the extra vir­gin olive oil and what actions need to be taken in the cur­rent con­text to carry out the olive tree cul­ti­va­tion in the emblem­atic com­mu­ni­ties,” he added. Besides con­sid­er­ing the qual­ity and use­ful­ness of the extra vir­gin olive oil, it is now fun­da­men­tal to ana­lyze this aspect because the Mediterranean diet also has an intrin­sic envi­ron­men­tal value to be safe­guarded, rep­re­sent­ing a true model.”

We imag­ine Olivitalymed as a round table with the var­i­ous stake­hold­ers, includ­ing insti­tu­tions, com­pa­nies, con­sumer asso­ci­a­tions and health bod­ies, where we can dis­cuss and take action on the cur­rent chal­lenges and the future of extra vir­gin olive oil,” Pisani con­cluded.

The event website has infor­ma­tion on the pro­gram.


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