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Greek Olive Oil Gains Ground in Bulgaria

By Christian Brazil Bautista
Jan. 19, 2011 10:17 UTC

A report from the Athens News Agency states that olive oil exports from Greece to Bulgaria have increased four­fold over the last four years. The find­ings, which were based on a report from the Greek embassy in the cap­i­tal Sofia, show an increased pref­er­ence for Greek olive oil among the roughly 7.5 mil­lion peo­ple in the Southern European coun­try.

Greek olive oil has been steadily grown in pop­u­lar­ity in Bulgaria, beat­ing out more pop­u­lar vari­eties from Spain and Italy. Greece, the third largest olive oil pro­ducer in the world, is known for high qual­ity olive oil. About 80 per­cent of olive oil bot­tled in the coun­try is classed as extra vir­gin.

The report adds that prospects for Greek olive oil remain favor­able in the Balkan coun­try. The report, which was put together in December, omit­ted the finan­cial details for Greek olive oil exports in the coun­try. The find­ings sup­port the notion that Bulgarians are start­ing to con­vert to a health­ier diet.

However, olive oil in gen­eral still lags in pop­u­lar­ity in Bulgaria behind the more pop­u­lar choice, sun­flower oil. Olive oil’s stand­ing among Bulgarian con­sumers can be attrib­uted to its price, which is sig­nif­i­cantly higher than processed sun­flower oil. The olive oil mar­ket in Bulgaria is com­posed of about 20 brands pegged on dif­fer­ent price seg­ments. Competing olive oil prod­ucts in the coun­try include Italian brands such as Filippo Berio, Costa d’Oro and Spanish imports like Borges and Hojiblanca.

What Greek pro­duc­ers need to real­ize is that their basic com­peti­tors are Italian and sec­ondly the Spanish. Other coun­tries, such as Turkey, do not have our tra­di­tion in olive oil nor our vari­ety of prod­ucts,” the study said.

Bulgarian cui­sine, par­tic­u­larly in terms of sal­ads and pies, is sim­i­lar to Greece’s, pro­vid­ing an oppor­tu­nity for the fur­ther pro­mo­tion of Greek olive
oil in the neigh­bor­ing mar­ket.”
Source: Athens News Agency


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