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Italian Farmers Take to The Streets Against War in Ukraine

Producers' organizations called on institutions to take steps toward peace, while farmers in several Italian cities rallied against the war in Ukraine.

By Ylenia Granitto
Mar. 2, 2022 08:42 UTC

As the dra­matic esca­la­tion of the Russian inva­sion of Ukraine led to the loss of human life and destruc­tion, farm­ers in Italy spoke out for peace.

The major pro­duc­ers’ orga­ni­za­tions warned that not only does the con­flict endan­gers world sta­bil­ity, but it also jeop­ar­dizes the future of hun­dreds of thou­sands of agri­cul­ture work­ers.

The war in Ukraine rep­re­sents yet another threat to our econ­omy, with sanc­tions and embar­goes that increase the costs of raw mate­ri­als, block trade, dis­rupt mar­kets and fur­ther encour­age spec­u­la­tion.- Gianluca Boeri and Bruno Rivarossa, pres­i­dent and con­fed­eral del­e­gate, Coldiretti Liguria

Farmers, ranch­ers and fish­er­men took the streets in Genoa, Bari, Venezia and Verona to demon­strate against the war and for more help for the agri­cul­tural sec­tor, the econ­omy and jobs.

They held up signs say­ing: Putin let’s make peace” (in ref­er­ence to Russian President Vladimir Putin), Put flow­ers in your guns,” Stop the war that increases hunger” and Let’s empty the arse­nals, fill the gra­naries.”

The Covid-19 pan­demic has already led us to a sce­nario of hoard­ing, price increases and spec­u­la­tion that is putting our busi­nesses to the test,” said Gianluca Boeri and Bruno Rivarossa, respec­tively pres­i­dent and con­fed­eral del­e­gate of Coldiretti Liguria.


Farmers protest for peace in Ukraine

In this period of recov­ery, it is unac­cept­able that farm­ers, olive grow­ers, fish­er­men and flori­cul­tur­ists find them­selves work­ing below-cost or being forced to reduce their pro­duc­tion or shut down the green­houses,” they added.

The war in Ukraine rep­re­sents yet another threat to our econ­omy, with sanc­tions and embar­goes that increase the costs of raw mate­ri­als, block trade, dis­rupt mar­kets and fur­ther encour­age spec­u­la­tion,” Boeri and Rivarossa con­tin­ued.

According to a Coldiretti analy­sis of data from the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat), the war unleashed by Putin poses a threat to the Italian agri-food exports to Russia and Ukraine, which reached over €1 bil­lion in 2021, with sales to the two coun­tries amount­ing to €670 mil­lion and €350 mil­lion, respec­tively.

No to war as a res­o­lu­tion of dis­putes between nations” is the appeal released by Donne in Campo, the wom­en’s asso­ci­a­tion of the Italian Confederation of Farmers (CIA), fol­low­ing the con­tin­ued fight­ing and bom­bard­ment of Ukraine over the last few days.


Coldiretti rally in Bari, Italy

The global cri­sis trig­gered by the pan­demic must lead to a change in the scale of val­ues, in the deci­sive rejec­tion of oppres­sion and the search for last­ing bal­ance,” said the pres­i­dent of Donne in Campo, Pina Terenzi.

We are very wor­ried about the inten­si­fi­ca­tion of the con­flict because agri­cul­ture would pay a very high price and, with it, as always hap­pens in war sce­nar­ios, the whole of soci­ety,” she added.

The CIA women recalled the prin­ci­ple, clearly con­firmed by the Italian con­sti­tu­tion, that is today more rel­e­vant than ever: no demo­c­ra­tic gov­ern­ment can ignore the assump­tion that the path to real progress and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment can only be based on the capac­ity to avoid the use of force in defence of oppos­ing inter­ests.

We, there­fore, believe that the European Union, in its effort to take the lead in over­com­ing the cri­sis, can play an impor­tant role in defend­ing the bal­ance on the con­ti­nent and reaf­firm­ing its com­mit­ment to peace and pros­per­ity,” Terenzi con­cluded.

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